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[PDF] 1967 Budget Analysis: Executive

Although the actual mechanies and guidelines for grant renewals are quite com- plex, the overall effect is as though the various antipoverty programs were being held at current expenditure levels. Although final word has not been received from Washington OEO and congressional appropria- tions have not been made, the need for state technical assistance posi- tions will decline; not only may the OEO programs be frozen, there may be net reductions in certain areas.

[PDF] 1967 Budget Analysis: Agriculture

The concept of a cooperative federal-state meat inspection program in California has considerable merit because state-inspected meat com- 105 Agriculture Item 54 Depart.ment of Agriculture-Continued petes with federally inspected meat, and federal inspection is not self- supporting.

[PDF] 1967 Budget Analysis: Employment

The committee was created to fulfill the requirement of Section 102 of the Manpower Development and Training Act of 1962; it is charged with cooperating with the national Manpower Advisory Com- mittee.

[PDF] 1967 Budget Analysis: Health

Public Law 89-97 (Title XIX) provides for 50-percent federal matching for all medical care expenditures for categorical aid recipients (Cash Grant Program) and, if included, categorical linked medically indigent persons.

[PDF] 1967 Budget Analysis: Transportation

The workload augmentation of $1.3 million for conversion in the Di- vision of Drivers Licenses to AMIS is attributable only to this con- version and cannot be related to the workload growth of the depart- ment.

[PDF] 1967 Budget Analysis: Control Sections

Copies of all written consent documents must be submitted by the Di- rector of Finance, quarterly, to the Joint Legislative Budget Com- mittee and must contain a reference to the code section or budget act section under which the consent was given.

[PDF] 1968 Budget Analysis: LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL

Also to be considered is the fact that borrowings carried over in one year will at least double at the end of the following year, thus com- pounding the problem, if no upward adjustment is made in taxes or expenditures are not reduced.

[PDF] 1968 Budget Analysis: Executive Branch

The organization consists of an executive group headed by a director appointed by the Governor, a deputy director, an assistant to the di- rector and a secretary. Under the executive group there is a Planning and Operations Division, a Fire and Rescue Division, a Law Enforce- ment Division, a Fiscal and Administrative Division and Field Office Services.

[PDF] 1968 Budget Analysis: General Administration

T4e commission proper is com- posed of. 10 appointed members with. staff support provided by .4 professional and 2 clerical positions. The commission will conclude its work on the State Building Stand- ards Code by June 1968.

[PDF] 1968 Budget Analysis: Agriculture

It is implied that under these circumstances the federal government would perform the inspection "as if such operations and transactions were conducted in or for com- merce. " The term commerce as used here refers to the present federal practice of inspecting all meat engaged in interstate commerce and thus the above provision would permit federal inspection without re- gard to the status of the meat in commerce.