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LAO Analysis of the 1997-98 Budget Bill Resources Departmental Issues, Part III

We recommend that statute provide direction as to how the fee is to be allocated among railroad and trucking com panies. In this regard, we think that there should be a sliding scale of fee rates based on a company's size to prevent a disproportionate fee burden on small companies.

[PDF] LAO 1997 Budget Analysis: Transportation Chapter

We withhold recommendation on this proposal because (1) Caltrans has not identified projects that it will deliver early, (2) Caltrans has not sufficiently improved its workload estimating practices as di- rected by the Legislature, and (3) a pending Supreme Court ruling could intervene in the department’s plans to increase contracting out.

Press Release--Highlights of the 1998-99 Analysis and P&I;

A Market Driven Approach to Training Teachers The budget requests $3.3 million to add 600 new student "slots" at CSU Schools of Education. We recommend instead using the funds to award scholarships redeemable at CSU or any other accredited teacher training program to enable 1,200 financially needy students to pursue training and become credentialed K-12 teachers.

LAO Analysis of the 1998-99 Budget Bill K12 Departmental Issues 2

For instance, if SDE contracts with an AP for more Stage II slots than are needed in a given area, the department cannot move those slots to another A P program until the next year's contracting cycle.

1998-99 Perspectives and Issues: Perspectives on State Expenditures Part III

In order to provide some funds for transit capital projects in the budget year and beyond, the Legislature may want to consider di recting the repayment of the loan in 1998-99 from the General Fund. Resources The state conserves and manages its natural resources through a number of programs.

1998-99 Perspectives and Issues: A Perspective on StateExpenditures

Rising welfare-linked caseloads and rapid increases in the cost of providing health care were the main causes of the share's increase prior to 1993-94. The falling off of the share since that time reflects such factors as declining welfare caseloads and a stabilization of other components of the Medi-Cal caseload.

[PDF] LAO 1998 Budget Analysis: Capital Outlay Chapter

The department could reduce costs, for example, by (1) eliminat- ing a glass-enclosed atrium linking the two buildings, (2) reducing site development costs (currently estimated at $4 million), and (3) reducing the size and costs of the state operations center.

[PDF] LAO 1998 Budget Analysis: Transportation Chapter

As Figure 10 shows, of the 1,155 Phase 2 bridges, construction was com- plete for 968 (or 84 percent) by the end of December 1997, and another 153 were under construction. Because engineering design is yet to be com- pleted on 26 bridges, Caltrans now estimates that construction of all but one of the Phase 2 bridges will be complete by the end of 2002 and the remaining one will be complete by the end of 2005.

LAO Analysis of the 1998-99 Budget Bill Resources Departmental Issues #2

For example, not less than $6,750,000 is to be appropriated annually for di rect site cleanup. Budget Implements Chapter  870. Our review shows that the department's budget implements the provisions of Chapter  870.

Highlights of the 99-00 Analysis of the Budget Bill

This section of Title XIX of the Social Security Act establishes an eligibility category of Medicaid, replacing the previous automatic (or categorical) link to Medicaid for families on welfare. We estimate that the General Fund cost of Medi-Cal coverage for these beneficiaries will total about $90 million through 1998-99, and that most of this cost will be for p ersons who would