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[PDF] LAO 1999 Perspectives and Issues: Perspectives on the Economy and Demographics

We forecast that personal income will increase by 5.4 percent in 1999 and 5.6 percent in 2000, com- pared to 6.4 percent in the prior year. Our projections assume that Califor- nia employment and personal income will grow faster than for the nation as a whole throughout the forecast period (see Figure 8), reflecting the relatively positive outlook for the state’s construction, finance, and services industries.

1999-00 Perspectives and Issues: Perspective on State Expenditures

The share of the budget going to health programs rose primarily because of rising welfare-link ed caseloads (due to the automatic qualification of welfare recipients for Medi-Cal) and rapid increases in the cost of medical care.

1999-00 Budget, Perspectives and Issues: Rethinking Property Tax Shift Relief

Only a Distant Link to Proposition 13 Relief The original property tax shift formulas reflected, to some extent, the relative benefit a local government received from the state after Proposition 13. This link to the past expl ains why cities incorporated after Proposition 13 incurred minimal property tax shifts in 1993-94 and why some counties had larger shifts than others.

[PDF] LAO 1999 Perspectives and Issues: PROPOSITION 10: HOW DOES IT WORK?

Proposition 10 requires the state com- mission to spend its revenues in specified ways. As noted above, there are no such restrictions on county commission expenditures, and the state commission does not have direct control over specific spending plans at the local level.

LAO Analysis of the 1999-00 Budget Bill Capital Outlay Departmental 1 Issues

We believe that the upgrades have now become a significant capital outlay program, for which the Legislature has not been given a com prehensive master plan that identifies the total cost of the program, a schedule for completion, and addresses the issue of how that cost burden should be allocated among state age ncies and others that use the network.

[PDF] LAO 1999 Budget Analysis: Judiciary & Criminal Justice Chapter

We further recommend that DMH and CDC report to the Legislature by April 1, 1999, regarding the funding, personnel, and statutory authori- zation needed, if any, to ensure that background reports on offenders referred for commitment as SVPs, but who are able to avoid such a com- mitment to a state mental hospital, are prepared on a timely basis and made available to the parole agents who must supervise them in the community.

[PDF] LAO 1999 Budget Analysis: Education Chapter

The CTC has completed all system-critical year-2000 com- puter upgrades, but at the time this Analysis was prepared it had not yet completed its information technology plan. The budget provides CTC with $438,000 from the Teacher Credentials Fund to expand efforts to upgrade and replace computers.

LAO Analysis of the 1999-00 Budget Bill Health and Social Services Crosscutting Issues

Almost all of the increase is in the CalWORKs-related portion of the Medi-Cal caseload, and results from automatically continuing the Me di-Cal eligibility of former CalWORKs recipients due to delays in implementing the new Section  1931(b) Medi-Cal eligibility category.

LAO Analysis of the 1999-00 Budget Bill Health and Social Services Departmental 2 Issues

This should help control program spending by establishing a link between program and funding responsibility. (Reduce Item 4260-101-0001 by $ 88,916,515 and increase Item 4440-101-0001 by $88,916,515.)

2000 Budget Perspectives: State Revenues

We estimate that about 60 percent of the PIT growth in the current expans ion (that is, about 9 percentage points of the 15 percent average annual increase in PIT liabilities) can be explained by the "normal" relationship that links personal income growt h to PIT liabilities, given the tax-bracket structure and the way in which taxpayers are distributed throughout it.