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[PDF] The Governor's 1995-96 State-County Realignment Proposal

Increased County Program Flexibility Under the proposal, the increased sales tax revenue would be com- bined with existing realignment revenues allocated to the foster care and CWS programs and deposited into a new Children's Services Sub- account within the Realignment Account for the counties.

[PDF] Update California: Budget and Cash Developments

Budget Implications The January budget proposal projected a 1995-96 budget reserve of $92 million (com- pared with General Fund spending of $41.7 billion). The net spending increase that we have identified would eliminate that re- serve and require several hundred million dollars of additional savings or revenues to avoid a deficit in 1995-96.

[PDF] Economic and Budget Developments

The Gov- ernor also deleted $26 million from the com- munity colleges earmarked for program im- provement, and set aside the funds for other purposes, consistent with Proposition 98 fund- ing requirements.

[PDF] California's New Earthquake Program

This minimum coverage is com- monly referred to as a "mini-policy." It typically requires 100 percent coverage for the residen- tial dwelling at the same value as the basic homeowners' policy, with a 15 percent deduct- ible.

[PDF] Will California Meet the TANF Maintenance-of-Effort Requirement?

How- ever, a design review commission headed by the Bay Area Metropolitan Transportation Com- mission (MTC) prefers a design that includes an overhead cable suspension supported by a single tower. Caltrans estimates that this de- (In Millions) Retrofit Bay Bridge (west span) , Richmond-San Rafael San Mateo-Hayward Benicia· Martinez San Diego-Coronado Carquinez (east span) Vincent Thomas Replacement Bay Bridge (east span) Carquinez (west span) Work Not Needed Antioch

[PDF] Year_one Survey: Update on School District Finance and Flexibility

That is, an individual district’s allocations will not be linked to changes in its demographics or program participation rates. February and July Budget Packages Contain Several Additional Flexibility Options.

[PDF] The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act: An Overview of Its Potential Impact on State Health Programs

These insurers must also provide coverage that has a specified actuarial value and com- plies with limitations set forth in the law on cost sharing for the parties purchasing coverage. (Effective January 2014.)

[PDF] 2010-11 Budget: How the Special Session Actions Would Affect Health Programs

The DHCS A&I staff currently uses research to identify the areas where the most significant fraud is occurring and then staff conduct com- pliance-based sweeps of suspicious providers. The department’s practice is to redirect staff from other activities when it is in the program’s best interest to do so.

[PDF] Maximizing Federal Funds for HIV/AIDS: Improving Surveillance and Reporting

Com‑ pleteness and accuracy of the state’s HIV sur‑ veillance data are essential for the state to track current epidemiological trends in the disease and coordinate an effective public health response.

[PDF] Liquid Assets: Improving Management of the State's Groundwater Resources

Colorado and New Mexico are among the states that have taken steps to mod- ernize their definitions of groundwater, linking surface water and groundwater in law. Arizona, through its major permitting law change, also allows for the interaction between surface water and groundwater to be reflected in the allocation of water rights.