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[PDF] "The Three Strikes Act of 2000"

However, this slowdown in prison population growth would be partly offset to the extent that offenders released earlier to the community as a result of this measure com- mitted additional crimes or parole violations that resulted in their return to state prison.

[PDF] Digital Elections, Amendment No. 1-S

Fiscal Effect This measure would result in significant one-time costs to the state, potentially amounting to several tens of millions of dollars, for the initial establishment of the com- puter systems and the adoption of election-related procedures by the Secretary of State as required under this measure.

[PDF] Reinvesting in California Schools Act

BACKGROUND Under the provisions commonly known as Proposition 98, the State Constitution requires appropriation of a minimum annual amount for public K-12 schools and com- munity colleges (K-14 education) from the General Fund and local property tax reve- nues.

Two-Thirds Vote Preservation Act of 2000

Although the state and local governments enjoy wide latitude in establishing fees and charges, under current law some link must exist between these payments and the related cost to governments in order to avoid the voter approval requirements of a "tax."

[PDF] Fees, Taxes. New Definitions, Vote Requirements. Initiative Constitutional Amendment.

In some cases—such as many user charges, admission fees, and some regulatory fees—the pay- ment is closely linked to the cost of providing a particular service to an individual bene- ficiary or regulated party.

[PDF] California Medi-Cal Initiative

Bill Lockyer 3 December 22, 1999 The current Medi-Cal lien process enables the state to recover health care costs di- rectly from the sale proceeds of property. In the absence of liens, however, federal law requires the state to seek recovery of health care costs from the estate of deceased insti- tutionalized Medi-Cal beneficiaries whose former homes constituted “excess” property.

[PDF] California Redistricting Commission Amendment, Amendment No. 2-S

The measure requires the Legislature to appropriate funds necessary for the com- mission to carry out its responsibilities, as well as compensation and expense reim- bursement for members of the commission.

The Campaign Finance Reform Act of 2000

Online Disclosure. Existing law requires that certain candidates for state or local office file specified campaign finance information with the Secretary of State through an online or electronic dis closure process.

[PDF] The Campaign Finance Reform Act of 2000

Online Disclosure. Existing law requires that certain candidates for state or local office file specified campaign finance information with the Secretary of State through an online or electronic disclosure process.

[PDF] Performance Accountability Voucher for Education

The measure would repeal the constitution’s minimum funding guarantee for K-12 education and the com- munity colleges (Proposition 98). Hon. Bill Lockyer 2 February 22, 2000 • Create a Merit-Based Voucher System.