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[PDF] 1967 Budget Analysis: Local Assistance

Column (8) com- pares the costs of state manufacture plus all publishers' royalty charges compared to the cost of the same textbooks if purchased in completed form directly from publishers. On the average, state expense for manu- facture plus royalty for these nine books amounts to 72.7 percent of the cost of outright purchase, a state savings of 27.3 percent.

[PDF] Support for one of these agencies, the Fair Political Practices

Support for one of these agencies, the Fair Political Practices Com- mission, is provided directly by the Political Reform Act of 1974. Funds for the other state agencies and any additional funds for the commission are provided by the Legislature through the normal budget process.

[PDF] The 1989-90 Budget: Perspectives and Issues

As in the last three years, the budget fails to provide for 'increa~es in Me,di-Cal, reimbursements for long~terrn care facilities and for the cost()f Medi-Cal abortions. In the current year, the statutorily required increase for long-term care facilities resulted in a net increase of $24 million.

[PDF] The most cost-effective approach would be for the CDC to target

The most cost-effective approach would be for the CDC to target these treatment slots to parolees who would have otherwise returned to prison. Analyst's Recommendation. Given the scope of the problem of substance abuse among the parole population and the potential for long-term cost savings which could result from an effective treatment program, we recommend that the Legislature

[PDF] The 2012-13 Budget: The Governor’s CalWORKs and Child Care Proposals

(This change is linked to the Governor’s attempt to improve the state’s WPR through bringing non-CalWORKs families receiving subsidized child care into his proposed WINS Plus program. Under federal law, 200 percent of FPL is the maximum amount a family can earn to receive TANF-funded services.)

[PDF] LAO 1994 Budget Perspectives and Issues: AN OVERVIEW OF STATE EXPENDITURES

This system is separated into three distinct segments—the University of California (UC) with 9 campuses, the California State University (CSU) with 20 campuses, and the California Com- munity Colleges (CCC) with 107 campuses.

[PDF] LAO 1995 Budget Analysis: Business & Labor Chapter

Instead, the employer must com- pensate the worker for unpaid wages plus interest. If the ALRB does not locate the workers within two years, however, the funds are returned to the employer. The amounts returned to employers varies greatly from year-to-year.

[PDF] LAO 1995 Budget Analysis: Higher Education Chapter

The CSU also plans to allocate $300,000 to the California Maritime Academy (which will become part of the CSU system on July 1, 1995) to begin the restructuring of various pro- grams (including the CMA's accounting structure) to ensure com- parability with other CSU campuses.

[PDF] LAO 1996 Budget Analysis: Higher Education Chapter

For 1996-97, selected bond funds for UC that are pro- posed to support deferred maintenance are displayed to allow for comparison with CSU and the com- munity colleges, where deferred maintenance is supported through the General Fund. b Not a meaningful figure.

LAO Analysis of the 1997-98 Budget Bill

Conversely, if the processing time remains unchanged, we estimate that about 30 cases will be civilly com mitted in the budget year. Thus, there is considerable uncertainty in projecting this program outcome.