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[PDF] California Update: Per Pupil Funding Under Proposition 98: What Do the Coming Years Hold?

The fig- ure shows that, under either scenario, a com- bination of [ow revenue growth and required repayments of Proposition 98 loans is likely to (1) result in no appreciable growth in per-pupil spending in 1994-95 and (2) hold 1995-96 increases between 1 and 3 percent.

Implementing New Federal Education Legislation

This will spur new efforts by SDE and LEAs to link federal programs more closely with the basic educational program. The third opportunity created by the federal acts is to integrate the state's programs within the structure created by the new federal programs.


Rather than making direct loans as other SIBs will do, the TFB will instead guarantee loans received by project developers from com- mercial banks and other private lenders. This approach has the advantage of allowing the TFB to operate without cash in the bank, thus yielding even greater lever- age compared to other SIBs that require cash in order to provide direct loans. 3 Cal

[PDF] Policy Brief ERAF and the 1997-98 State Budget

Instead, com- munities tended to use the funds for one-time purchases and services. In order to provide greater certainty to local governments regarding this revenue stream, we recommended in the Analysis that the Legislature consider consolidating the COPS program funding and ERAF relief.

[PDF] California Spending Plan 1998-99

Major Features of the 1998-99 Budget Plan 53 Subsequent to the enactment of the budget, the Legislature appropriated $25 million to the Youth Authority in AB 2796 (Wright) for distribution to nonprofit organizations for acquiring, renovating, or constructing com- munity youth centers.

Child Support Enforcement: Implementing the Legislative Reforms of 1999

For purposes of allocating funds to the counties in the current year, the department has defined reasonable amounts as costs eligible for federal reimbursement, but has also linked the reasonable amounts provision to the budget approval process.

[PDF] Review of Health Coverage for Substance Abuse Treatment

Depending on the HMO, this annual premium com- ponent ranges from 24 cents to $12.36. As a point of comparison, the average per-mem- ber annual premium cost exceeds $1,600. Thus, the substance abuse benefits represent less than 0.3 percent of the average annual premium cost for the state’s HMO plans.

2004 Recommended Legislation Education

By statutorily linking fees to a fixed share of educational costs, student fees would change much more gradually . Moreover, students would have a financial incentive to hold the segments accountable for cost increases.

[PDF] Health Care Reform

The proponents’ cost estimate includes assumptions about the expected inflation rate for each cost and revenue com- ponent of the plan. The overall cost of the plan is sensitive to many of these assump- tions.