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[PDF] Overview of the Academic Accountability System for School Districts

Associated Performance Measures „ Statute links certain performance measures to each priority area. Local Control and Accountability Plans (LCAPs) „ Districts must set goals and specify actions they will take to improve in the eight priority areas.

[PDF] Overview of Child Care and Preschool Programs

. • Slots are available for all eligible children. Alternative Payment and General Child Care • Family is low income. • Parent(s) work or are in school. • Child is under age 13. • Slots are limited based on annual budget appropriation.

[PDF] Early Education Budget Proposals

State Preschool Is Offered by Several Types of Providers Part Day 2018-19 A Greater Share of Non-LEA Slots Is Full Day LEA Slots Non-LEA Slots Left align medium figures and tables here Large figure margin Large figure margin L E G I S L AT I V E A N A LY S T ’ S O F F I C E 6 (Continued) State Has Added More Than 27,000 Full-Day

[PDF] Overview of Education Proposals

Text Margins Left align medium figures and tables here Large figure margin Large figure margin L E G I S L AT I V E A N A LY S T ’ S O F F I C E 7 Higher Education Assessment and Recommendations Link Augmentations to Priorities „ The Governor’s basic approach to building the higher education budget is constructive. „ We recommend building upon this approach and linking augmentations to legislative priorities.

[PDF] Overview of Higher Education Proposals

Link Funding for Student Improvement Initiatives With Performance Expectations and Reporting  Link funding to expectations that the segments make progress on key student outcomes, including improving graduation rates, narrowing achievement gaps, and reducing excess units.  Instead of an annual growth cap on CCC outcomes-based funding, explore other options, such as linking funding to the highest award a student earns.

[PDF] High-Speed Rail Update

Accordingly, he expressed support for completing the construction of the link between Merced to Bakersfield, the bookend projects, and the environmental work for Phase I. However, the specifics of the Governor’s plan are uncertain at this time.

[PDF] Assessing California’s Climate Policies—Implications for State Transportation Funding and Programs

These options are not necessarily mutually exclusive; the Legislature could consider a combination of actions over the coming Figure 10 Options to Address Approaching Transportation Funding Gap Options Key Trade-Offs to Consider Increase Existing Fuel Taxes and Vehicle Fees Increase Existing Fuel Taxes • Generally linked to road usage, but varies based on fuel efficiency. • Larger relative impact on lower-

[PDF] • For programs such as tax credits and housing assistance for

• For programs such as tax credits and housing assistance for which existing national research already has demonstrated a link to reduced child maltreatment (as described on page 34 of this report), how can the state ensure that eligible families have access to them and are opting in?

[PDF] The 2022-23 Budget: Overview of the Governor’s Higher Education Budget Proposals

As Figure 7 on the next page shows, these expectations focus on student access, student success and equity, college affordability, intersegmental collaboration, workforce alignment, and online education.

[PDF] Governor’s Health Care Workforce Budget Proposals

Proposes $40 million ongoing General Fund to continue funding physician residency slots that were funded on a one-time basis in 2018-19. „ Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development. Signals intent to make $33 million in annual limited-term funding in Song-Brown primary care residency program ongoing.