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[PDF] Improving In-Prison Rehabilitation Programs

We also recommend the Legislature consider incorporating actual inmate attendance into program funding decisions to limit the number of slots that are not used efficiently. „ Improve Performance Measures to Conduct Regular Oversight.

[PDF] Proposition 103—One Year Later

One of the basic requirements of competitive markets is that consumers must have enough com- parative product information to make informed decisions. Better decisionmaking and more effective shopping could put pressure on insurance companies to be more efficient and innovative, thus holding premium costs below what they otherwise would be.

[PDF] State Oil Spill Preparedness and Response

These amounts seem even less significant when com- pared to natural seepage of oil, occurring along fault lines under 256/ Part IV: Major Issues Facing the Legislature coastal waters, at an estimated rate of2,500 to 25,000 gallons per day in Southern California alone.

[PDF] Long-Term Health Care

Minimum di- rect-care staffing requirements vary from four hours per client- day for facilities with four clients to 8.5 hours per client-day for facilities with 15 clients. The residents in these facilities typically have two or more developmental disabilities.

[PDF] Sources and Uses of K12 Education Funding Growth 1982-83 through 1991-92

Figure 7 summarizes our findings regarding increases in average teacher salaries, and com- pares these increases to inflation and per capita personal income growth of Californians gener- ally. As the figure shows, our analysis indicates that, during the period 1982-83 through 1989- 90, actual average teacher salaries increased by nearly 55 percent.

[PDF] State Rail Program

Current law requires the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) to prepare biennially a five-year Rail Passenger Development Plan that examines intercity and com- muter rail service in the state, including operating and capital costs for existing and proposed services.

[PDF] Uses of State Bond Proceeds

OVERSIGHT OF BOND FUND EXPENDITURES The state's bond activity has grown and become more com- plex in recent years. However, there has been no concurrent improvement in the systems necessary for adequately tracking and monitoring bond fund expenditures.

[PDF] Strategies for Addressing The State's Budgetary Imbalance

Water qualityfees could be linked to services provided by the board's permitting, monitoring, enforcement, and standards setting activities, because without these activities dischargers would be prohibited from using the state's waters for waste disposal.

[PDF] School Restructuring in California

While many states, including Califor- nia, have previously implemented such programs, restructuring advocates argue that states need to strengthen and expand these programs, such as by linking the mentor role to a well developed career ladder.

[PDF] A Perspective on the Drought in California

(Approxi- mately 12,000 acres have burned this year com- pared to 174,000acres at this time in 1990-91 and 51,000 at this time in 1989-90). Legislative Analyst's ORlee GOVERNMENT RESPONSES TO THE DROUGHT a All dollar amounts are from the General Fund.