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[PDF] Reforming California's Mental Health System

This would allow programmatic control and funding to be linked, thereby establishing a clearpoint of accountability for delivering cost-effective services that is consistent with an overriding state interest in the provision of mental health services.

[PDF] Trial Court Funding "Realignment"

Trial Court Funding "Realignment" /151 It will be particularly important for the Legislature to link control of the court employees with funding. In the absence of such a link, the state would be allowing a different level of government to set state funding priorities.

[PDF] State Spending Plan for 1993-94: The 1993 Budget Act and Related Legislation

Local g o v e r n m e n t s would bear $2.7 bil- lion of this burden, primarily through a shift of property tax revenue to schools and com- munity colleges, where those rev- enues would re- place state support.

[PDF] Supplemental Report of the 1994 Budget Act 1994-95 Fiscal Year

San Bernardino DI Office, Renovation and Asbestos Abatement. The amount of $174,000 is provided for preliminary plans ($71,000) and working drawings ($103,000) for renovating 15,000 square feet. The estimated future construction costs are $1,651,000, including $1,407,000 for construction contracts (LSI 470), $98,000 for contingency, and $146,000 for project administration, testing, and inspection.


The current computing environment in the executive branch is one marked by many departmental computing systems, some relying on personal computers (PCs), others relying on terminals linked to a mainframe computer, and some employing combinations of PCs networked to each other and to a departmental data center, which is in turn linked to a state or outside data center.

[PDF] Crime in California

Thus, we conclude that incentives need to be designed to encourage state and local communities to develop closely linked prevention and intervention programs in order to re- duce the costs and effects of crime in the future.

[PDF] The Federal Crime Bill: What Will it Mean for California?

The crime bill authorizes $1.3 billion in 1995 and an additional $7.5 billion between 1996 and 2000 for these community policing grants, com- monly known as "cops on the beat." These grants are project grants.

[PDF] The President’s Welfare Reform Proposal: Fiscal Effect on California

This change, in conjunction with the fact that nonsubsidized jobs gener- ally will provide more income to recipients than will WORK slots (due largely to differences in how the income disregard-discussed be- low-and the Earned Income Tax Credit are treated), could lead to a significant increase in the incentive for recipients to obtain nonsubsidized jobs.

[PDF] Rethinking Community School Funding

Under our recommendation, however, enhanced services for these pupils would no longer be di- rectly funded by the state, but would be supported through reimburse- ment of the COEs by the pupils' horne districts on a contract basis.

[PDF] School-to-Work Transition: Improving High School Career Programs

Partnership academies also have a strong work component that is intimately linked to the students' course of study. Internships-paid and unpaid-are a standard component of academies. Internships allow students to apply what they have learned in school to real work situations.