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Reforming the Prison Industry Authority

Neither the PIA nor the CDC has established criteria which formally link the length of stay of an inmate to their eligibility for a PIA assignment. The high turnove r rate in the PIA workforce (145  percent per year) suggests that many inmates with little time left to serve in prison are being assigned to the PIA, then paroling soon after the PIA invests in their training a nd before they have put their newfound skills to work for PIA enterprises.

Supplemental Report 1996-97 Fiscal Year

The California Department of Corrections (CDC) shall (a) complete studies of the recidivism rates and cost-effectiveness of the Preventing Parolee Failure pilot programs in a time ly fashion and (b) present a report for the Joint Legislative Budget Committee (JLBC) and the Legislature's fiscal com mittees by April 1, 1997, outlining its recommendations as to whether each pilot

Federal Welfare Reform (H.R. 3734): Fiscal Effect on California

Changing state law to eliminate the categorical link to SSI/SSP would allow these individuals to remain eligible for IHSS while retaining federal funds for these services. Illegal Immigrants Residing in the State Prenatal services The state can provide these benefits, but it must pass a law after enactment of H.R. 3734 authorizing such benefits.

[PDF] The 1996-97 Budget Act and Related Legislation

On the revenue side, the administration raised its forecast by $1.2 billion for 1995-96 and $1.6 billion for 1996-97 (after ad- justing for changes in the estimated cost of the tax cut pro- Figure 4 Changes in Projected Baseline Revenues During 1996 (In Millions) Department of Finance Projected Revenues 1995-96 1996-97 a January Budget $44,991 $46,143 May Revision 46,137 47,694 Change from

September 96 California Update

To address the declining fish and wildlife habitat in the Bay-Delta, the State Water Resources Control Board will implement over the next few years more stringent water quality st andards for the Bay-Delta in com pliance with state and federal clean water laws.

[PDF] Welfare Reform in California: A Welfare-to-Work Approach

Deferred for medically-verified illness or disability. • After two years, grant reduction if refuse work slot, if county makes a slot available. Transitional Benefits Child care: two years. Child care: same as current law.

[PDF] Policy Brief CEQA: Making It Work Better

We recommend that the Legisla- ture establish task force(s) consisting of CEQA stakeholders from state and local agencies, private project devel- opers, and the public to report to the appropriate legislative policy com- mittees, by January 1, 1999, with recommendations on how the above requirements relating to MEIRs and EIRs should be amended to make them more understandable


How- ever, a design review commission headed by the Bay Area Metropolitan Transportation Com- mission (MTC) prefers a design that includes an overhead cable suspension supported by a single tower. Caltrans estimates that this de- sign would increase the cost by about $80 million, and other design amenities—such as addition of a bicycle lane, or improvements to theTransbay Terminal (located in San Fran- cisco)—could further increase the cost.

[PDF] CalWORKs Welfare Reform: Major Provisions and Issues

In order to receive a grant for all members of the assistance unit, all children for whom school attendance is com- pulsory must attend school. emptions that were imposed by the federal Depart- ment of Health and Human Services (DHHS) in order for the state to obtain federal approval of a waiver.

[PDF] An LAO Report Overhauling the State’s Infrastructure Planning and Financing Process

Departmental Strategic Linkage • Has the department articulated its strategic mission and how closely is the project linked to the department’s strategic plan, state statutes, and other state policies?