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[PDF] Because bargaining units have not yet been established and

Because bargaining units have not yet been established and negotia- tions have not taken place, no amounts are included for employee com- pensation increases, other than for judges (whose increases are provided for by existing law). 2.

[PDF] Computer terminals, which will be linked to the

Computer terminals, which will be linked to the bureau's central data processing unit, should improve and speed the flow of information to members of the Legislature and their staffs. The bureau advises that under its current plans, it will install the system in about 70 offices (35 in each house) by July 1, 1982.

[PDF] For com- parativepurposes, the table also shows

For com- parativepurposes, the table also shows the percentage change in the Gross National Product Personal Consumption Deflator (price index) between 1967-68 and 1981-82. This table indicates that during this 14-year period: • No group of state employees was able to keep pace with private sector employees in terms of salary increases. • The real incomes of State Civil Service

[PDF] The two sections include this prohibition because existing law

The two sections include this prohibition because existing law (Section 6217 of the Public'llesources Code) prohibits transfers to the Energy Account unless the required reorganization of the Energy Com- mission has been enacted. ' Although the reorganization requirement in Section 6217 originally al- lowed the reorganization to be accomplished by either legislation or a Governor's reorganization plan, the latter alternative was deleted by Ch 886/81.

[PDF] The 1985-86 Budget: Perspectives and Issues

Short-Term Borrowing by The State The General Fund often borrows money on a short-term basis to com- pensate for the difference between when revenues are actually received and. when the state must pay its bills.

[PDF] The 1986-87 Budget: Perspectives and Issues

di-Cal pstimall' only, inclucll's somp facilitil's for dl"'l'lopnll'ntally disabll'd. d :\uml>l'r of bed,' licensed as rl'sidl'ntial facHitil's fe)r thp l'lcll'rh-. " 1!J1l4-K5 California ))l'partn1<.'

[PDF] We com- mend the board's accomplishments in

We com- mend the board's accomplishments in developing this plan. Board Has Not Implemented Planning Effort. We are concerned, however, about the board's lack of progress in implementing SISP. The operational aspects of the SISP implementation will be the responsibility of the Information Systems Planning Team (ISPT).

[PDF] Special Repairs Projects and Preventive Maintenance We recommend

Special Repairs Projects and Preventive Maintenance We recommend the adoption of supplemental report language di- recting the department to prepare annual reports on its progress toward implementing a preventive maintenance program.

[PDF] The 1988-89 Budget: Perspectives and Issues

In addition to the above revenues, the state collects certain other monies which are not included in the budget revenue totals as either General 'Fund or special fund revenues, b~cause they are legally com- mitted to specific purposes.

[PDF] The 1988-89 Budget: Perspectives and Issues

Comporison ,of the Alternotives Indicotes 0 New Formulo Is Needed We recommend the adoption of supplemental report language di- recting the State Department of Education to develop a specific proposal for implementing either a bus-based or fixed percentage reimbursementformula.