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Restoring the Salton Sea

Just as the State Water Project did not achieve its purpose of providing water supplies to the Central Valley and Southern California until the system of reservoirs, pumps, and canals was linked together, the goal of restoring the Sea will likely only be fully realized once all the components of one of the alternatives (or a variation thereof) are completed.

[PDF] Supplemental Report of the 2019-20 Budget Act

. • Multiple means of easily submitting verification documents when they are needed, including online submission, submission via mobile devices, and self- service scanning options in county offices and community locations.

[PDF] The 2015-16 Budget: Centralizing State IT Project Management

Strides in private sector technology allow the public to access tools that improve their daily lives—from online portals that facilitate communicating with doctors to mobile applications that schedule restaurant reservations.

[PDF] Review of Recent Department of Social Services Housing and Homelessness Augmentations

In some cases, data collected by DSS is made publicly available— generally through an annual report or online dashboards. In other cases, DSS collects more information than is publicly reported. DSS indicates it uses the data internally to inform the department’s oversight of the programs and help identify if technical assistance to counties and tribal governments is necessary for the operation of these programs.

[PDF] The 2022-23 Budget: Health Care Access and Affordability

When it comes online in 2023, the database will be used to analyze total health care expenditures statewide to identify key cost drivers and inform recommendations on how to mitigate rising costs. The HPD is envisioned as a key component of the Office of Health Care Affordability.

The 2015-16 Budget: Centralizing State IT Project Management

Strides in private sector technology allow the public to access tools that improve their daily lives —from online portals that facilitate communicating with doctors to mobile applications that schedule restaurant reservations.

[PDF] Cap-and-Trade Revenues: Strategies to Promote Legislative Priorities

(For more information on the ways in which the administration’s approach to the Second Investment Plan is lacking, see our September 2015 online report Framework for Cap-and-Trade Investment Plan Needs Further Development.)

Supplemental Report of the Budget Act 1999-00 Fiscal Year

In order to ensure that the Legislature can hold the Department of Transportation accountable for resources expended for transportation project planning documents, the department shall report on the cost of project study reports (PSRs) and project scope and summary reports (PSSRs) linked to the specific projects for which they are prepared.