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2009 Initiative Analysis: California Jobs Initiative

As allowed under AB 32, the ARB has adopted a regulation with a schedule of fees to be paid by parties that emit GHGs to fund state agency administrative costs to implement AB 32. Under current law, revenues from the AB 32 administrative fee are also to be used to repay various state special

2009 Initiative Analysis: California Jobs Initiative (version 1)

As allowed under AB 32, the ARB has adopted a regulation with a schedule of fees to be paid by parties that emit GHGs to fund state agency administrative costs to implement AB 32. Under current law, revenues from the AB 32 administrative fee are also to be used to repay various state special

[PDF] California Jobs Initiative

As allowed under AB 32, the ARB has adopted a regulation with a schedule of fees to be paid by parties that emit GHGs to fund state agency administrative costs to implement AB 32. Under current law, revenues from the AB 32 administrative fee are also to be used to repay various state special funds that have made loans totaling $83 million to the AB 32 program.

[PDF] California Jobs Initiative (version 1)

As allowed under AB 32, the ARB has adopted a regulation with a schedule of fees to be paid by parties that emit GHGs to fund state agency administrative costs to implement AB 32. Under current law, revenues from the AB 32 administrative fee are also to be used to repay various state special funds that have made loans totaling $83 million to the AB 32 program.

[PDF] California Jobs Initiative (version 2)

As allowed under AB 32, the ARB has adopted a regulation with a schedule of fees to be paid by parties that emit GHGs to fund state agency administrative costs to implement AB 32. Under current law, revenues from the AB 32 administrative fee are also to be used to repay various state special funds that have made loans totaling $83 million to the AB 32 program.

LAO Publications

Legislative oversight of the overall size and components of the AB 32 program budget is very important, particularly given this upcoming shift in the program's focus. In thi s budget-focused brief, we provide details of the Governor's AB 32 budget proposal and ARB's plan to pay for most of the AB 32 program administrative activities from a new fee.

LAO Publications

Legislative oversight of the overall size and components of the AB 32 program budget is very important, particularly given this upcoming shift in the program's focus. In thi s budget-focused brief, we provide details of the Governor's AB 32 budget proposal and ARB's plan to pay for most of the AB 32 program administrative activities from a new fee.

Implementation of "AB 32"--Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 [Publication Details]

Feb 20, 2008 - Implementation of "AB 32"--Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 [Publication Details] Implementation of "AB 32"--Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 Format: HTML Description: Contrary to legislative direction, the Governor has failed to identify a stable, long-term source of funding in the budget for implementation of "AB 32"--climate change legislation enacted in 2006.

[PDF] 070333.indd

Governor’s Budget Proposal for AB 32 Implementation (Continued) 5L E G I S L A T I V E A N A L Y S T ’ S O F F I C E March 26, 2007 Background: AB 32’s Timeline of Required Actions Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 (AB 32) Timeline of Required Actions Date Action Responsible State Entity By