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AB32: Analysis of the Net Impact On California Jobs

The CARB ’s Estimated Job Impacts of the AB 32 SP Modest Net Gain Projected. California ’s current total wage and salary employment level is roughly 16  million, and CARB ’s projection for 2020 absent AB 32 is 18.4  million.

[PDF] AB 32 Letter to Assembly Member Logue Regarding Evaluation of the ARB's Updated Economic Analysis

Improvements include the following:  The ARB’s baseline of what the economy would look like without AB 32 is now more accurate because it incorporates certain actions that had previously been inappropriately attributed to AB 32 and the SP.

LAO 2007 Budget Analysis: Implementation of “AB 32”—Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006

The budget proposal, in effect, attempts to establish a policy-making role for the Secretary in implementing AB  32 —a role that the administration proposed when the Legislature was considering AB 32.

AB32: Analysis of the Net Impact On California Jobs [Publication Details]

Mar 4, 2010 - In our response, we briefly summarize the basic provisions of AB 32 and its planned implementation through the California Air Resources Board’s (CARB’s) Scoping Plan (SP), discuss the avenues by which the SP would potentially affect California jobs, and present the jobs-related effects of the SP as estimated by CARB.

[PDF] Proposed Appropriations From AB 118 Monies (Chapter 750, Statutes of 2007, Nunez)

Air Resources Board (ARB) Ongoing Implementation of the Global Warming Solutions Act (“AB 32”) —a 24,000b —a — (A): We recommend a compromise on funding AB 32 that does not use AB 118 monies, leaving them for statutorily intended uses.

[PDF] Cap-and-Trade Revenue: Issues for Legislative Consideration

This ruling has been appealed, and fi nal decisions from the appellate courts on these issues may take years.  It is likely that the courts would require the state to target spending to GHG reduction activities since that is the primary goal of AB 32.

[PDF] Microsoft Word - Letter to Niello re ARB response _with dcc edits_.doc

Specifically, we saw inconsistencies in the way the ARB analysis accounted for measures required by statute or policy other than AB 32 that were explicitly undertaken to reduce GHG emissions (such as Chapter 200, Statutes of 2002 [AB 1493, Pavley]) versus other meas- ures that could reduce GHG emissions but that were undertaken for other reasons.

[PDF] Evaluating the Policy Trade-Offs in ARB’s Cap-and-Trade Program

In addition to a traditional regulatory approach, AB 32 also authorizes, but does not require, the ARB to include market-based compliance mechanisms as part of its portfolio of measures to meet AB 32 goals.

LAO Publications

Format: AB32: Analysis of Two Studies by Varshney and Associates March 9, 2010 - This responds to Assembly Member De León's request relating to California’s regulatory environment and AB 32 (Núñez), the Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 (Chapter 488, Statute s of 2006).

Cal Facts: 2016

Dec 5, 2016 - Under these policies, the Air Resources Board (ARB) projects emissions will be below the AB 32 target in 2020. Chapter 249 of 2016 (SB 32, Pavley) established the target of reducing GHG emissions to 40 percent below 1990 levels by 2030.