Initiative Analyses

May 7

A.G. File No. 2012-011

College and University Funding and Accountability Act (Amdt 1S)

This proposal would reduce tuition and fees at UC, CSU, and CCC to their January 2010 levels, adjusted for inflation. We estimate that this would result in full-time annual resident tuition and fee charges of approximately $9,500 at UC, $4,270 at CSU, and $830 at CCC, beginning in January 2013.

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April 25

A.G. File No. 2012-010

Stop the $100 Billion Bullet Train to Nowhere Act

This measure prevents the further issuance and sale of Proposition 1A bonds for the construction of high-speed rail and improvements to existing passenger rail services. In addition, the measure states that any unspent bond proceeds shall be used to pay back the outstanding debt from the issuance and sale of Proposition 1A bonds. The measure also specifies that the state shall not accept or use any federal funds, provide or use any state funds, or accept any local funds for the construction or operation of the high-speed rail project authorized by Proposition 1A.

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March 16

A.G. File No. 2012-009

The Schools and Local Public Safety Protection Act of 2012 Version 3

The measure amends the Constitution to permanently dedicate revenues to local governments to pay for the programs realigned in 2011 and temporarily increases state taxes.

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April 20

A.G. File No. 2012-008

Government Employee Pension Reform Act

This measure changes certain retirement benefit provisions applicable to all public employers in the state.

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March 16

A.G. File No. 2012-007

Government Spending Limit Act of 2012

This measure makes changes to the state’s constitutional spending limit and legislative vote requirements for certain tax increases.

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March 23

A.G. File No. 2012-006

Public Postsecondary Student Tuition and Fees

This measure prohibits UC, CSU, and CCC from increasing the amount of tuition or systemwide fees charged to any continuing undergraduate or graduate student enrolled, in good academic standing, and making satisfactory progress toward a degree.

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March 14

A.G. File No. 2012-005

Patient Reasonable Access Act of 2012

The measure states that neither the state nor any regional government may prohibit the right of medical marijuana cooperatives to operate facilities that distribute, sell, or cultivate medical marijuana.

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February 29

A.G. File No. 2012-004

Stop the $100 Billion Bullet Train to Nowhere Act

This measure prevents the further issuance and sale of Proposition 1A bonds for the construction of high-speed rail and improvements to existing passenger rail lines.

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February 29

A.G. File No. 2012-003

Corporations Are Not People Act

The measure amends the California Constitution to specify that “a corporation is not a person, and corporations are not due constitutional rights which human beings are naturally due.” This provision eliminates corporate constitutional rights that stem from their being treated like a person under the California, but not U.S., Constitution.

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March 6

A.G. File No. 2012-002

(Revised) Brain Syndrome and Severely Disabled Veterans Property Tax Exemption Initiative

This measure would amend the Constitution to permit or require (1) a property tax exemption for veterans who are eligible under an additional severe disability category created by the measure and (2) add “brain syndrome” as an eligible disability.

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January 13

A.G. File No. 2012-001

The Schools and Local Public Safety Protection Act of 2012 Version 2

The measure amends the Constitution to permanently dedicate revenues to local governments to pay for the programs realigned in 2011 and temporarily increases state taxes.

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February 2

A.G. File No. 2011-100

Our Children, Our Future: Local Schools and Early Education Investment and Bond Debt Reduction Act

This measure increases rates on the vast majority of Californian personal income taxpayers and uses the funds for schools, ECE programs, and state debt-service payments.

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January 30

A.G. File No. 2011-099

The California Right to Know Genetically Engineered Food Act

This measure requires that GE foods sold at retail in the state be labeled as such in a way that is clear and conspicuous. Specifically, the measure requires that raw agricultural commodities (crops) produced entirely or in part through genetic engineering be labeled with the words “Genetically Engineered” on the front package or label.

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January 30

A.G. File No. 2011-098

The Medical Marijuana Regulation, Control, and Taxation Act (Amendment #1S)

This measure establishes the Bureau of Medical Marijuana Enforcement (BMME) within the state’s Department of Consumer Affairs to regulate the cultivation, distribution, and sales of medical marijuana. For example, the BMME would have the authority to regulate how medical marijuana dispensaries advertise, store, and transport medical marijuana.

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January 23

A.G. File No. 2011-097

Corporate Political Accountability Act

This measure restricts corporations with stockholders from making political contributions (for candidates, ballot measures, issue advocacy, and other political activities) unless the stockholders authorize the contributions.

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