January 2019
List of Active Education Mandates
K-12 Education (44 Active Mandates) |
Academic Performance Index |
Juvenile Court Notices II |
Agency Fee Arrangements |
Law Enforcement Agency Notificationb |
AIDS Prevention / Instruction I and II |
Mandatory Reporters Training |
Annual Parent Notificationa |
Notification of Truancy |
California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress |
Parental Involvement Programs |
California State Teachers’ Retirement System Service Credit |
Physical Performance Tests |
Caregiver Affidavits |
Prevailing Wage Rate |
Charter Schools I, II, III, and IV |
Public Contracts |
Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting |
Pupil Suspensions and Expulsions I and II |
County Office of Education Fiscal Accountability Reporting |
Pupil Health Screenings |
Collective Bargaining |
Pupil Promotion and Retention |
Comprehensive School Safety Plans I and II |
Pupil Safety Notices |
Criminal Background Checks I and II |
Race to the Top |
Developer Fees |
School Accountability Report Cards I, II, III, and IV |
Differential Pay and Reemployment |
School District Fiscal Accountability Reporting |
Expulsion of Pupil: Transcript Cost for Appeals |
School District Reorganization |
Financial and Compliance Audits |
Student Records |
Graduation Requirements |
Teacher Notification: Pupil Suspensions/Expulsionsc |
Habitual Truants |
The Stull Act |
Immunization Records (includes Pertussis & Hepatitis B) |
Threats Against Peace Officers |
Intradistrict Attendance |
Uniform Complaint Procedures |
Interdistrict Attendance Permits |
Williams Case Implementation I, II, and III |
California Community Colleges (13 Active Mandates) |
Agency Fee Arrangements |
Minimum Conditions for State Aid |
Cal Grants |
Prevailing Wage Rate |
California State Teachers’ Retirement System Service Credit |
Public Contracts |
Collective Bargaining |
Reporting Improper Governmental Activities |
Discrimination Complaint Procedures |
Threats Against Peace Officers |
Enrollment Fee Collection and Waivers |
Tuition Fee Waivers |
Health Fee Elimination |
Notes: Mandates typically include only very specific activities associated with their name. For 2018-19, the Legislature suspended 12 K-12 mandates and 12 community college mandates. | |
a Also includes Schoolsite Discipline Rules and Alternative Schools. | |
b Also includes Missing Children Reports. | |
c Also includes Pupil Discipline Records. |