July 2020

K-12 Education

One-Time Federal CARES Act Funding for K-12 Education

2020-21 (In Millions)

Program Description Spending Deadline Amount
Learning loss mitigation Funds activities to address student learning loss due to COVID-19 school closures. December 30, 2020a $4,795b
Grants to schools Provides funding for broad array of activities, including those related to COVID-19. Funding distributed based on counts of low-income and disadvantaged children. September 30, 2022 1,483
Child Nutrition Provides up to $0.75 for each breakfast or lunch served between March and August 2020. September 30, 2022 112
California Community Schools Partnership Program Provides competitive grants to coordinate or expand community schools. September 30, 2022 45
State operations Funds California Department of Education to allocate and monitor CARES Act funding. September 30, 2022 2
    Total $6,436
a Of total amount, $4.4 billion must be spent by December 30, 2020. Remaining $355 million must be spent by September 30, 2022.
b Budget also includes $540 million Proposition 98 funding for this purpose.   
CARES = Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security. COVID-19 = coronavirus disease 2019.