July 2021

Higher Education

Federal Relief Funding for Higher Education

(In Millions)

  CCC CSU UC All other institutions Total
Higher Education Emergency Relief Funda        
Base Funds: Institutional Relief $290 $263 $130 $171 $854
Base Funds: Student Aid 290 263 130 171 854
Minority-Serving Institutions 33 38 7 4 84
Institutions With Unmet Need 6 0 0 32 39
Subtotals ($620) ($564) ($267) ($379) ($1,830)
Base Funds: Institutional Relief $1,023 $591 $261 $188 $2,063
Base Funds: Student Aid 290 263 130 196 879
Minority-Serving Institutions 64 55 10 13 142
Subtotals ($1,377) ($908) ($401) ($397) ($3,084)
Base Funds: Institutional Relief $1,124 $745 $345 $242 $2,456
Base Funds: Student Aid 1,166 750 345 313 2,573
Minority-Serving Institutions 108 92 22 22 244
Subtotals ($2,398) ($1,586) ($711) ($577) ($5,273)
Totals $4,395 $3,058 $1,380 $1,354 $10,187
  CCC CSAC SIB Total  
State Discretionary Fundsb          
CARES Coronavirus Relief Fund $54 $54  
ARP Coronavirus Fiscal Recovery Fund 250 $473 $1,778 2,500  
Totals $304 $473 $1,778 $2,554  
a Grants from the federal Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund are allocated directly to institutions. Institutions are to spend funds for each grant program (for example, base institutional relief) within one year of receiving their last allocation for it. Amounts shown are based on the U.S. Department of Education's allocation tables, as of August 2021. Figure excludes funds for institutions with unmet need under CRRSAA and ARP, as these allocation tables were not available. Figure also excludes any funds that a higher education institution might have received for research or other targeted purposes.
b States have discretion in allocating some federal relief funding. California chose to allocate some of its discretionary funding for higher education purposes. Specifically, CCC received funds for a COVID 19-related block grant and additional emergency student financial aid. CSAC received funds for providing education and training grants to displaced workers, and SIB received funds to open college savings accounts for low-income public school children. CARES discretionary funds must be spent on costs incurred by December 31, 2021, while ARP discretionary funds must be spent on costs incurred by December 31, 2024.
CCC = California Community Colleges. CSU = California State University. UC = University of California. CARES = Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security. CRRSAA = Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act. ARP = American Rescue Plan. CSAC = California Student Aid Commission. SIB = Scholarshare Investment Board. COVID 19 = coronavirus disease 2019.