July 2017

Higher Education

University of California General Fund Changes

(In Millions)

2016-17 Revised Spending $3,540.6
Unrestricted base increasea $81.2
Graduate student enrollment growth 5.0
San Joaquin Valley PRIME programb 1.9
Summer Institute for Emerging Managers and Leaders 0.3
Subtotal ($88.4)
One time  
Pension liabilities $169.0
Hunger-free campus program 2.5
Marine mammal rescue 2.1
Equal employment opportunity programs 2.0
California Dream Loan Program 1.0
Remove one-time funding provided in prior year -261.6
Subtotal (-$85.0)
Total $3.4
2017-18 Enacted Spending $3,544.0
a Does not include additional $50 million in freed-up General Fund due to providing $50 million in Proposition 56 funds for graduate medical education.
b The original $1.9 million appropriation in the revised 2015-16 budget pursuant to Chapter 2 of 2016 (AB 133, Committee on Budget) was unspent and carried forward to 2016-17. The 2017-18 budget resumes base funding for the program.
PRIME = Program in Medical Education