July 2021

Proposition 98 Overview

2020-21 Changes in Proposition 98 Spending

(In Millions)

2020-21 Budget Act Proposition 98 Spending Level $70,890
Technical Adjustments  
LCFF adjustments -$687
Other 48
Subtotal (-$639)
State School Reserve Deposit $1,889
K-12 Education  
Deferral paydown $8,042
Community schools 2,837
In-person instruction grantsa 2,000
Educator Effectiveness Block Grant 1,500
In-person grants and academic supporta,b 1,177
Expanded learning grantsc 753
A-G and College Readiness Grant Package 548
Special education learning recovery grants 450
Teacher Residency Grant Program 350
National Board Certification Incentive Grant Program 250
Transitional Kindergarten expansion planning 200
School kitchen upgrades and training for nutrition staff 150
Classified Teacher Credential Program 125
Special education alternative dispute resolution 100
Training for Transitional Kindergarten teachers 100
Alternative education pandemic costs 80
Classified Employee Summer Assistance Program 60
Professional development for accelerated learning strategies 50
Professional development for social-emotional learning 50
Ethnic Studies Curricula Block Grant 50
Early Math Initiative 38
Foster youth services 30
21st Century School Leadership Academies 25
Mental health and wellness trainings 25
Computer Science Incentive Grant 15
Supporting Inclusive Practices project 15
Professional development for reading instruction 10
Dual Language Immersion Grant Program 10
Anti-bias grants 10
Climate change and environmental justice open educational resources 6
Medi-Cal Billing Professional Learning Networks 5
CCEE maximizing student outcomesa 5
Ethnic studies professional development 5
California Newcomer Education and Wellbeing (CalNEW) 5
Other 6
Subtotal ($19,081)
California Community Colleges  
Deferral paydown 1,079
Deferred maintenance projects 509
Student retention and enrollment strategies 120
Zero-textbook-cost degrees 115
Student basic needs 100
Part-Time Faculty Office Hours 90
Guided Pathways 50
San Diego Continuing Education theater renovation 35
Equal Employment Opportunity best practices 20
High Road Training Partnerships 20
Faculty professional development 20
LGBTQ+ centers 10
Rio Hondo College water reservoir improvement 7
Bakersfield College health and nursing program expansions 6
Pathways to Law School Programs 5
Other 23
Subtotal ($2,209)
Total Changes $22,539
Revised 2020-21 Proposition 98 Spending Level $93,430
aFunding initially authorized in March 2021 through Chapter 10 (AB 86, Committee on Budget).
Budget also includes $2 billion in one-time federal funding and $1.4 billion in 2019-20 Proposition 98 funding for this purpose. 
Budget also includes $1 billion in 2021-22 Proposition 98 funding for this purpose. 
LCFF = Local Control Funding Formula. AB = Assembly Bill. CCEE = California Collaborative for Educational Excellence. LGBTQ+ = lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning.