July 2021

Proposition 98 Overview

2021-22 Changes in Proposition 98 Spending

(In Millions)

2020-21 Revised Proposition 98 Spending Level $93,430
Technical Adjustments  
Prior year one-time spending -$13,199
LCFF adjustments 24
Other adjustments 69
Subtotal (-$13,106)
State School Reserve Deposit $2,617
K-12 Education  
LCFF growth and COLA (5.07 percent) $3,201
Deferral paydown 3,000
LCFF concentration grant rate increase 1,126
Expanded learning grantsa 1,000
Special education base increase 397
Special education early intervention preschool grants 260
COLA for select categorical programs (4.05 percent)b 225
State Preschool rate reform 224
Career Technical Education Incentive Grant Program 150
Full-Day State Preschool slots 130
Universal school meal reimbursements 54
State Preschool family fee waivers 5
K-12 categorical programs (declining attendance)c -9
Other 18
Subtotal ($9,781)
California Community Colleges  
COLA for apportionments (5.07 percent) $371
Deferral paydown 230
Full-time faculty hiring 100
Strong Workforce Program 42
COLA for select categorical programsd 31
Student mental health 30
Basic needs centers and coordinators 30
Enrollment Growth (0.5 percent) 24
Student Equity and Achievement Program 24
Extended Opportunity Programs and Services 20
California Apprenticeship Initiative 15
Online tools 11
Part-Time Faculty Office Hours 10
Rising Scholars Network 10
Common course numbering work group 10
Competency-based education work group 10
CENIC cost increases 8
MESA program 8
Puente Project 7
Dreamer resource liaisons 6
AB 1460 implementation/anti-racism initiatives 6
Other 15
Subtotal ($1,017)
Total Changes $309
2021-22 Enacted Proposition 98 Spending Level $93,738.94
a Budget also includes $753 million 2020-21 Proposition 98 funding for this purpose.
b Applies to the Foster Youth Program, American Indian Early Childhood Education, Special Education, Preschool, Child Nutrition, and K-12 Mandate Block Grant.
c Applies to special education, child nutrition, and K-12 Mandate Block Grant.
d Applies to the Adult Education Program, apprenticeship programs, CalWORKs student services, campus child care support, Disabled Students Programs and Services, Extended Opportunity Programs and Services, and mandates block grant.
COLA = Cost of Living Adjustment. LCFF = Local Control Funding Formula. CTE = Career Technical Education. AB = Assembly Bill. CENIC = Corporation for Education Network Initiatives in California. MESA = Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement.