January 2023

K-12 Education

Breakdown of Local Control Funding Formula

Formula for School Districts and Charter Schools (Dollars in Millions)

  2021-22 Revised 2022-23 Revised 2023-24 Proposed Change from 2022-23
  Amount Percent
Main Components          
Base Fundinga $53,074 $59,014 $62,411 $3,397 6%
Supplemental Funding 6,606 7,345 7,767 422 6
Concentration Funding 4,804 5,341 5,649 307 6
Subtotals ($64,484) ($71,700) ($75,826) ($4,126) (6%)
Recently Enacted Provisions          
Transitional Kindergarten expansionb $605 $1,295 $690 114%
School transportation increase 637 637
Transitional Kindergarten lower staffing ratiosc 337 502 165 49
Equity multiplier 300 300 100
2021-22 one-time ADA hold harmless for charter schools $413
Subtotals ($413) ($1,578) ($2,734) ($1,156) (73%)
HTS and TIIG $1,320 $1,320 $1,358 $38 3%
Minimum State Aid 193 220 245 24 11
Economic Recovery Target 61 61 61 0 0
Otherd 114 110 110 0 0
Subtotals ($1,689) ($1,712) ($1,775) ($62) (4%)
Totals $66,586 $74,991 $80,335 $5,344 7%
a Includes funding for Necessary Small Schools.
b Increases the amount of funding districts receive through LCFF base, supplemental, and concentration grants.
c Implemented as a special LCFF add-on.
d Includes funding related to inter-district transfer students, support for the State Special Schools, the Education Protection Account, and $3.5 million to support the Exploratorium in San Francisco. The 2021-22 amount includes $4.2 million for Paradise Unified to offset attendance reductions related to the 2018 Camp Fire.
LCFF = Local Control Funding Formula, ADA = average daily attendance, HTS = Home-to-School Transportation, and
TIIG = Targeted Instructional Improvement Grant.