July 2017

K-12 Education

New Workload and Funding for the California Department of Education

2017-18 Enacted Budget Package (In Thousands)

Workload Change Fund Source Funding Amount Duration of Funding
Provide state-level administration of new/expanded tobacco use prevention programs, subject to pending legislation. Proposition 56 tobacco tax revenue $1,547 Ongoing
Develop new video series and update existing guidance on how best to instruct English learners.a Federal ESSA Title III 1,246 One-time carryover
Support various activities of Instructional Quality Commission relating to standards, curriculum, and instructional materials. Non-Proposition 98 General Fund 948 One time
Support LCFF implementation.b Non-Proposition 98 General Fund 572 Four years
Provide state-level administration of science and math professional development program for teachers.c Federal NCLB Title II 447 One-time carryover
Develop and implement standardized process for English learner reclassification, subject to pending legislation. Federal ESSA Title III 437 One-time carryover
Pay membership dues to Education Commission of the States. Non-Proposition 98 General Fund 160 One time
Provide guidance on how to identify, support, and reclassify students who are both special needs and English learners. Federal IDEA 143 One-time carryover
Provide additional guidance on serving homeless youth. Federal McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance 49 $39 ongoing, $10 one time
Make various adjustments to operation of bus driver training program. Various special funds -311d Ongoing
Total   $ 5,238  
a State approved workload in 2016-17 but implementation was delayed.    
b Funding for these positions was originally set to phase out beginning in 2018-19. Budget extends funding for these positions through 2021-22. Positions are provided through the Office of Planning and Research.   
Funding was initiated with NCLB (2001). It was not reauthorized under ESSA (2015). The department has until September 30, 2018 before this NCLB funding expires.
d Funding from the State Penalty Fund decreases by $745,000 in 2017-18. The reduction is partly offset by increases in bus driver course fees ($158,000) and the use of some program reserves ($276,000). The department operates this program directly.
LCFF = Local Control Funding Formula. ESSA = Every Student Succeeds Act. NCLB = No Child Left Behind Act. IDEA = Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.