July 2024

Higher Education

New Higher Education Reporting Requirements

Reports Due to Legislature

Program/Initiative Legislationa Due Date
University of California
Campus climate notifications BBL October 1, 2024
Costs associated with Governor's compact SRL November 30, 2024
Chula Vista program opportunities SRL February 1, 2025
California State University
Graduation Initiative 2025 equity gaps BBL March 15 annually
Campus climate notifications BBL October 1, 2024
Costs associated with Governor's compact SRL November 30, 2024
Chula Vista program opportunities SRL February 1, 2025
California Community Colleges
Student Centered Funding Formula SRL November 1, 2024
New nursing education initiative TBL July 1, 2026 and annually thereafter through July 1, 2030
eTranscript California expansion BBL July 1, 2026
a BBL refers to budget bill language contained in the 2024-25 Budget Act, as enacted by Chapter 35 of 2024 (Weiner, SB 108). SRL refers to the Supplemental Report of the 2024-25 Budget Act. TBL refers to trailer bill language contained in Chapter 71 of 2024 (SB 155, Committee on Budget and Fiscal Review).