July 2024


Changes in California State University General Fund Spending

2024-25 (In Millions)

2023-24 Revised Spending $5,445
Ongoing Spending  
Base augmentation (approximately 5 percent) $240
Retiree health benefit cost increase 64
CalVet tuition waiver expansion 6
Assembly Fellows (7 new positions)a
CENIC cost increaseb
Pension cost adjustment -135
Subtotal ($174)
One-Time Adjustments  
Intersegmental partnershipsc $5
Base reduction -75
Subtotal (-$70)
Remove 2023-24 one-time funding -$36
Total $69
2024-25 Enacted Spending $5,513
a Budget provides $330,000 for this purpose.
b The 2021‑22 budget agreement included a five‑year plan for covering higher CENIC charges. The annual funding increase in 2024‑25 is $152,000.
c Funds support the planning and implementation costs of up to two projects that bring together campuses from the public higher education segments at a single location in a historically underserved area of the state to offer programs that support workforce needs.
CENIC = Corporation for Education Network Initiatives in California.