July 2024


Changes in University of California General Fund Spending

2024-25 (In Millions)

2023-24 Revised Spending $4,865
Ongoing Spending  
Base augmentation (approximately 5 percent) $228
Nonresident enrollment reduction/replacementa 31
UC Merced medical education building (debt service) 15
UC Los Angeles Ralphe J. Bunche Center for African American Studies 3
UC graduate medical educationb -11
     Subtotal ($265)
One-Time Adjustments  
California Institute on Law, Neuroscience, and Educationc $3
Nutrition Policy Instituted 2
Base reduction -125
     Subtotal (-$120)
Remove 2023-24 one-time funding -$147
Total -$2
2024-25 Enacted Spending $4,864
a In 2024-25, UC is to reduce its nonresident undergraduate enrollment at three campuses (Berkeley, Los Angeles, San Diego) by a total of 902 students. It is to backfill these slots with the same number of additional resident undergraduate students.
b The budget eliminates the General Fund backfill previously provided in response to declines in Proposition 56 tobacco tax revenues. In 2023-24, the backfill was $11.2 million. In 2024-25, the backfill was estimated to grow to nearly $13.5 million.
c Carryover to extend the encumbrance period for an appropriation made in Chapter 240 of 2021 (SB 170, Skinner).
d Represents the third year of a four-year funding plan for the Nutrition Policy Institute. It is the intent of the Legislature that $1.3 million be provided in 2025-26 for this purpose.