July 2024

Proposition 98 Overview

2024-25 Changes in Proposition 98 Spending

(In Millions)

Revised 2023-24 Proposition 98 Spending $98,484
Technical Adjustments  
Back out one-time reserve withdrawal $8,413
Prior year one-time adjustments 3,195
K-12 cost shift from 2023-24 3,570
LCFF attendance adjustment -1,762
Shift of arts and music funding into Proposition 98 907
LCFF other adjustments 575
Community college cost shift from 2023-24 446
K-12 categorical programs growtha 155
Other adjustments -38
Subtotal ($15,462)
Proposition 98 Reserve Deposit $1,054
K-12 Education  
LCFF COLA (1.07 percent) $804
State Preschool 2024-25 savings (one time) -302
LCFF backfill with unspent prior year funding (one time) -257
Payment deferral -244
Universal school meals 179
COLA for select categorical programs (1.07 percent)b 89
Training for literacy screenings (one time) 25
Training for new mathematics framework (one time) 20
Classified employee summer assistance (one time) 9
Science performance tasks (one time) 7
CCEE adjustment for unspent prior-year funds (one time) -6
Research on remote and hybrid models of instruction (one time) 4
CA College Guidance Initiative 2
State Parks access for fourth graders 2
Inclusive College Technical Assistance Center 2
FCMAT long term planning (one time) 1
Subtotal ($336)
California Community Collegesc  
Payment deferral -$244
COLA for apportionments (1.07 percent) 100
Student Success Completion Grant (caseload adjustment) 50
Enrollment growth (0.5 percent) 28
Apportionment backfill with savings (one time) -22
Student financial aid administration 20
COLA for select categorical programs (1.07 percent)d 13
Apprenticeship instructional hours 1
Subtotal (-$53)
Total Changes $16,798
2024-25 Proposition 98 Spending $115,283
a Applies to Special Education, Child and Adult Care Food Program, and K-12 mandates block grant.
Applies to the Foster Youth Program, American Indian Early Childhood Education, Special Education, Child and Adult Care Food Program, Charter School Facility Grant Program, American Indian Education Centers, Equity Multiplier, and K-12 mandates block grant.
c In addition to the items shown in the figure, the budget package earmarks some existing Strong Workforce Program funds for two purposes. It earmarks $60 million annually for five years for a new nursing initiative and $5 million one time for developing new education pathways for low-income workers.
d Applies to the Adult Education Program, apprenticeship programs, basic needs centers, CalWORKs student services, campus child care support, Disabled Students Programs and Services, Extended Opportunity Programs and Services, mandates block grant, mental health services, MESA program, NextUp foster youth program, Puente, rapid rehousing program, Umoja, and veterans resource centers.
LCFF = Local Control Funding Formula and COLA = cost-of-living adjustment.