July 2024

Proposition 98 Overview

2023-24 Changes in Proposition 98 Spending

(In Millions)

2023-24 Budget Act Proposition 98 Spending $108,312
Technical Adjustments  
K-12 cost shift from 2022-23 $2,341
LCFF adjustments 794
Community college cost shift from 2022-23 242
Other adjustments 7
Subtotal ($3,384)
Proposition 98 Reserve  
Withdrawal of remaining balance -$8,413
Elimination of required deposit -903
Subtotal (-$9,316)
K-12 Education  
Cost shift to 2024-25 -$3,570
Universal school meals 121
Subtotal (-$3,449)
California Community Colleges  
Cost shift to 2024-25 -$446
Total Changes -$9,827
2023-24 Revised Proposition 98 Spending $98,484
LCFF = Local Control Funding Formula