Anita Lee
(916) 319-8321
Courts, Department of Justice, Gambling
Caitlin O'Neil
(916) 319-8351
State Prisons, County Jails, Sentencing
Jared Sippel
(916) 319-8335
Emergency Services and Business Regulation
Orlando Sanchez Zavala
(916) 319-8307
Correctional Health Care, Rehabilitation Programs, Juvenile Justice, Community Corrections
Drew Soderborg
(916) 319-8346
Deputy Legislative Analyst: Public Safety and Business Regulation


Criminal Justice

To browse all LAO publications, visit our Publications page.


Trial Court Funding "Realignment"

February 1, 1992 - In this analysis, we (1) review the short-term implementation issues surrounding Chapter 90 and the related measures, and (2) identify a number of policy issues that the Legislature will need to address as it considers providing additional support for the trial courts for the budget year and beyond.


A Review of the State Bar Court

December 19, 1991 - A Review of the State Bar Court


Community Corrections

February 1, 1991 - Expenditures to support the state's growing prison and parole populations continue to increase at a rapid rate. In addition, the state currently has a limited range of punishment options for many criminal offenders. One potential way to address this growing population in a more effective way is through "community corrections" programs. This approach involves the use of intermediate sanctions as an alternative to state prisons.


Drug Prevention Programs

February 21, 1990 - Drug Prevention Programs


Anti-Drug Programs in California

February 21, 1990 - Anti-Drug Programs in California


Drug Use in California

February 21, 1990 - A Series of Drug-Related Pieces: Drug Use in California, Anti-Drug Programs in California, Drug Prevention Programs


AIDS Education in Correctional Facilities: A Review

January 1, 1990 - This report is submitted in response to Chapter 1579, Statutes of 1988 (Senate Bill 1913, Presley). Chapter 1579 requires the Legislative Analyst's Office to determine whether the Department of Corrections (CDC) and the Department of the Youth Authority (CYA) have adequate education, prevention, and treatment programs related to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), and whether the programs are being properly implemented. Additionally, the law requires the Legislative Analyst's Office to assess the quality of AIDS education and prevention programs in county and city jails.


Recommendations for Changes in The Reimbursements of Homicide Trails

July 1, 1989 - Recommendations for Changes in The Reimbursements of Homicide Trails


Placement Options for Youthful Offenders

February 1, 1989 - Placement Options for Youthful Offenders


California Prisons

February 1, 1989 - California Prisons


State Bar of California: Analysis of 1988 Legislation to Increase Member Dues

April 1, 1988 - In order to assist the Legislature in its review process, this report analyzes two expenditure plans proposed by the bar in pending legislation. Our analysis examines each expenditure plan separately. The first chapter, which describes the expenditures proposed in conjunction with AB 4391, includes expenditures from the bar's General Fund and six special funds. The second chapter, which details the expenditures proposed in support of SB 1498, focuses on the proposed enhancements to the discipline program. The Appendix identifies the combined support of both proposals on the level of bar members' fees from 1989 through 1991.


The Trial Court Funding Program: Financial Implications

January 1, 1988 - Our focus in this report is the identification of the Trial Court Funding Program's financial implications, both in the short term and in the long term. These financial implications are significant, and it may be appropriate for the Legislature to consider modifications to the measure in order to increase its effectiveness. In addition, our review of the measure indicates that there are a number of provisions where the Legislature's intent is not clear, or where additional legislative action may be necessary to clarify the technical provisions of the measure or to make them more effective in carrying out their purposes.


Penalty Assessments: A Review of Their Use as a Financing Mechanism

January 1, 1988 - This report compares the sources of penalty assessment revenues to the benefits generated by these funds, discusses briefly some of the advantages and disadvantages of increased reliance on penalty assessments as a financing mechanism, and examines alternate sources of financing available to programs currently funded by penalty assessments.


Analysis of the 1988 State Bar Association Budget

June 1, 1987 - Our office has prepared the following analysis of the 1988 calendar year budget proposed by the bar in order to facilitate the Legislature's review of legislation establishing the level of fees for bar members for calendar 1988. This analysis focuses on proposed expenditures from the General Fund and the Building Fund because those were the only funds for which the bar provided sufficient budget detail for review.


Rising Costs of Incarceration in California

February 1, 1987 - Rising Costs of Incarceration in California