Anita Lee
(916) 319-8321
Courts, Department of Justice, Gambling
Caitlin O'Neil
(916) 319-8351
State Prisons, County Jails, Sentencing
Jared Sippel
(916) 319-8335
Emergency Services and Business Regulation
Orlando Sanchez Zavala
(916) 319-8307
Correctional Health Care, Rehabilitation Programs, Juvenile Justice, Community Corrections
Drew Soderborg
(916) 319-8346
Deputy Legislative Analyst: Public Safety and Business Regulation


Criminal Justice

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The New Prison Construction Program at Midstream

April 1, 1986 - During the past several years, the Legislature has authorized a major expansion of the state's prison system. This expansion provides for 12 new prisons and additions to existing prisons which will cost more than $1.5 billion to build and about $750 million annually to operate. This report examines the Department of Corrections' progress in bringing these prisons on line.


The Increasing Costs of Tort Liability

February 1, 1986 - The Increasing Costs of Tort Liability


Prison Support Costs

February 1, 1986 - Prison Support Costs


Population Growth in The Youth Authority

February 1, 1986 - Population Growth in The Youth Authority


The Impact of Recent Legislation on California's Burglary Rate and Sentencing Practices

January 1, 1985 - Chapter 42, Statutes of 1980 (SB 1236, Beverly), prohibits probation for persons convicted of residential burglary, except in unusual circumstances. Chapter 42 directed the Legislative Analyst to report to the Legislature on the measure's effects with respect to (1) the residential burglary rate and (2) sentencing for residential burglars. This report was prepared in response to that requirement.


The Impact of Chapter 42, Statues of 1980 on Burglary Rates and Sentencing Patterns

June 27, 1984 - Chapter 42, Statutes of 1980 (SB 1236 Beverly), prohibits the courts from granting probation to persons convicted of residential burglaries, except in unusual circumstances. This measure took effect January 1, 1981, and is scheduled to lapse on January 1, 1985. Senate Bill 1331 would extend the provisions of Ch 42/80 indefinitely.


The Use of Lease-Purchase Arrangements to Acquire State Prisons

April 1, 1984 - The State of California has a pressing need to provide more capacity to house inmates in the state's prison system. As of March 1984, there were 38,482 inmates in the prison system which has a design capacity for only 27,000 inmates. Moreover, the Department of Corrections expects the inmate population to increase to 52,345 by 1987.


The Use of Lease or Lease-Purchase Arrangements to Acquire State Prisons

April 1, 1984 - The State of California has a pressing need to provide more capacity to house inmates in the state's prison system. As of March 1984, there were 38,482 inmates in the prison system which has a design capacity for only 27,000 inmates. Moreover, the Department of Corrections expects the inmate population to increase to 52,345 by 1987.


The Prison Construction Program

September 13, 1983 - Statement to the Assembly Committee on Ways and Means on SB 422 which appropriates $172.5 million for projects intended to increase the capacity of the state's correctional system. Remarks on SB 422 and the problem it addresses in a broader context and what the Legislature can expect to be accomplished if SB 422 is enacted in its current form.