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February 1, 1987 - Higher Education Facilities Planning
December 1, 1986 - This report is submitted pursuant to Assembly Concurrent Resolution 169, Resolution Chapter 136 of 1986. Chapter I of this report offers a general overview of the Chancellor's Office, its duties and responsibilities, and its current organizational structure and staffing level. Chapter II presents an analysis of the resources needed to fulfill current mandates. Chapter III examines the resources needed to implement recommendations of the Master Plan Review Commission and the Legislature's Joint Committee. The final chapter summarizes our findings and recommendations.
December 1, 1986 - This report is submitted pursuant to the "sunset" review procedures enacted by Chapter 1270, Statutes of 1983 (Senate Bill 1155). Chapter I of this report provides background information on the special education program. Chapter II contains our comments on the findings made by the State Department of Education (SDE) in its sunset review report. Chapter III presents our response to the recommendations made by the SDE. Finally, Chapter IV summarizes all of our recommendations regarding the special education program.
December 1, 1986 - This report is submitted pursuant to the "sunset" review procedures enacted by Chapter 1270, Statutes of 1983 (Senate Bill 1155), and reports our findings and recommendations regarding the Miller-Unruh Basic Reading Program. This program was established to help prevent and correct reading disabilities among children in kindergarten and grades 1 through 3.
July 1, 1986 - The Child Care and Development Services Act (Chapter 798, Statutes of 1980) directed the Superintendent of Public Instruction to "implement a plan which establishes reasonable standards and assigned reimbursement rates" for state-subsidized child care programs. The act also established a "standard reimbursement rate" which, in 1980-81, was $15.36 a day (or $3,840 a year) for each child enrolled full-time in subsidized child care.
June 1, 1986 - This report is submitted pursuant to the "sunset" review procedures enacted by Chapter 1270, Statutes of 1983 (Senate Bill 1155). Chapter I of this report provides the history of the bilingual education program, including judicial decisions and state and federal requirements affecting bilingual education. Chapter II describes how bilingual programs are currently operated, including program options, enrollment, staffing patterns and funding. Chapter III contains our comments on the findings and recommendations of the State Department of Education regarding the bilingual education program. Chapter IV summarizes our recommendations regarding continuation of the bilingual education program.
February 20, 1986 - We believe that the best long-term solution to financing the construction and reconstruction of local school facilities is to return the primary responsibility for raising revenues to the local school districts themselves. In this piece, we discuss how this can be accomplished, while conforming to the principles of equity in school finance enunciated by the California Supreme Court in Serrano v. Priest.
February 1, 1986 - Staff Development
February 1, 1986 - Teacher Shortage
February 1, 1986 - Dropout Reduction
February 1, 1986 - California State University: Instructional Deans
February 1, 1986 - Policy on setting nonresident charge level should be changed.
February 1, 1986 - The University of California should reduce the number of foreign graduate students in engineering and computer science by enrolling more resident California students in these programs.
February 1, 1986 - Faculty Salaries: incresase to achieve parity with comparable universities.
December 1, 1985 - The Master Plan for Special Education (MPSE) is the program and funding framework through which California provides educational and related services to students with physical or mental disabilities and students with learning or communication problems. Under the master plan, funding is provided for special education programs, based on the cost of (a) direct instructional services and (b) ancillary support services.