Jackie Barocio
(916) 319-8333
Child Care, Expanded Learning, School Facilities, and Teachers
Sara Cortez
(916) 319-8348
Special Education, Preschool, and Child Nutrition
Kenneth Kapphahn
(916) 319-8339
Proposition 98, School District Budgets, School Transportation
Lisa Qing
(916) 319-8306
California State University, Student Financial Aid
Paul Steenhausen
(916) 319-8303
California Community Colleges
Ian Klein
(916) 319-8336
University of California; College of the Law, San Francisco; California State Library
Michael Alferes
(916) 319-8338
Local Control Funding Formula, Charter Schools, Alternative Schools, High School Career Technical Education
Edgar Cabral
(916) 319-8343
Deputy Legislative Analyst: K-12 Education
Jennifer Pacella
(916) 319-8332
Deputy Legislative Analyst: Higher Education



To browse all LAO publications, visit our Publications page.


The Master Plan at 50: Assessing California’s Vision for Higher Education

November 12, 2009 - Almost 50 years ago, the state of California adopted a visionary plan for higher education that sought to forge the state’s colleges and universities into a coordinated system, founded on core principles and directed toward specified goals. Adherence to that vision has been uneven over the past five decades, while changes in demographics and the economy have caused the state’s educational needs to evolve. The 50th anniversary of the Master Plan thus presents a timely opportunity for policymakers to take stock of California’s higher education system in light of current and projected needs and priorities. In order to assist the Legislature in such an effort, our office is launching a series of publications examining key aspects of higher education policy and funding. The series is designed to frame key issues for legislative consideration, and assist in the refinement of higher education goals and policies. This report provides an overview of the series.


What is the Status of UC Fee Lawsuits?

November 11, 2009 - What is the Status of UC Fee Lawsuits? (November 2009) This is one of a series of issue briefs examining important questions about higher education funding in California. For more information on this topic, or to request other briefs from this series, contact the Legislative Analyst’s Office Higher Education section at (916) 319-8349, or visit our Web site at


How Do Student Fees Contribute to Public University Funding?

November 11, 2009 - How Do Student Fees Contribute to Public University Funding? This is one of a series of issue briefs examining important questions about higher education funding in California. For more information on this topic, or to request other briefs from this series, contact the Legislative Analyst’s Office Higher Education section at (916) 319-8349, or visit our Web site at


What Has Happened With Year-round Operations?

October 21, 2009 - What Has Happened With Year-round Operations? This is one of a series of issue briefs examining important questions about higher education funding in California. For more information on this topic, or to request other briefs from this series, contact the Legislative Analyst’s Office Higher Education section at (916) 319-8349, or visit our Web site at


California Community Colleges: Raising Fees Could Mitigate Program Cuts and Leverage More Federal Aid

June 11, 2009 - New federal tax credit provisions allow the state to tap potentially hundreds of millions of new federal dollars for higher education. Because these tax credits will fully reimburse most California Community College (CCC) students for the fees they pay, the state could raise those fees (and revenue for CCC) with no net impact on most students. The purpose of this brief is to provide additional information—in a question-and-answer format—related to our recommendation.


Consolidation of CPEC and CSAC

June 10, 2009 - Presented to Senate Education Committee


Cal Grant Decentralization

June 10, 2009 - Presented to Senate Education Committee


Overview May Revision: California Community College

June 5, 2009 - Presented to Budget Conference Committee


State Budget Solutions in Higher Education: General Fund Savings From February Budget Package and Governor’s Proposed May Revision

June 1, 2009 - Presented to Budget Conference Committee


Education Mandates

April 23, 2009 - Presented to Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Subcommittee No. 1 on Education


Higher Education Affordability:Fees and Financial Aid

April 22, 2009 - Presented to Assembly Budget Subcommittee No. 2 On Education Finance


Federal Stimulus Package:Opportunities for California Higher Education

March 25, 2009 - Presented to Assembly Budget Subcommittee No. 2 and Assembly Higher Education Committee


Higher Education Overview Of the Budget Act of 2009-10

March 18, 2009 - Presented to Assembly Budget Subcommittee No. 2


Webcast: Higher Education 2009-10 Budget Analysis Series

January 29, 2009 - Director of Higher Education, Steve Boilard, discusses the fifth report in the LAO’s 2009-10 Budget Analysis Series.


2009-10 Budget Analysis Series: Higher Education

January 29, 2009 - The Governor’s budget proposal includes $11.5 billion in General Fund support as well as $5.7 billion in other core funding for higher education in 2009-10. The proposed budget would increase university fees by almost $300 million while it would reduce state financial aid programs by $88 million. It also could reduce higher education enrollment by tens of thousands of students. We offer alternatives that would increase funding for state financial aid programs, increase enrollment targets well above the Governor's levels, and better account for student fee revenue.