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June 28, 2004 - This report summarizes a recent report measuring how well the state's universities are meeting their eligibility targets as called for in the state's Master Plan.
June 23, 2004 - Faculty research generates substantial overhead revenue for UC, and a portion of this revenue is intended to pay for the construction of faculty research facilities. We find, however, that most of this research facility revenue is being used by UC for other purposes. Since hundreds of millions of dollars a year are available to UC to fund construction of faculty research facilities, we recommend the Legislature treat faculty research facilities in the same manner as it treats other higher education facilities that can be "self-funded." We recommend faculty research facilities be funded by reimbursements using nonstate funds rather than General Fund-backed bonds. This will free up hundreds of millions of dollars of scarce state resources for other high priority projects in higher education or other program areas.
June 1, 2004 - Presented to Assembly Higher Education Committee on June 1, 2004.
June 1, 2004 - Presented to Assembly Higher Education Committee on June 1, 2004.
May 12, 2004 - Presented to Assembly Budget Subcommittee No. 2 on May 12, 2004.
April 19, 2004 - An analysis of California’s student fee policy, including recommendations regarding: (1) the appropriate share students should pay of their education costs and (2) the criteria that should be used to adjust fees on an ongoing basis.
April 19, 2004 - Presented to Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Subcommittee No. 1 on April 19, 2004.
April 14, 2004 - Presented to Assembly Budget Subcommittee No. 2 on April 14, 2004.
March 31, 2004 - Presented to Senate Education Committee and Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Subcommittee No. 1 on March 31, 2004.
March 8, 2004 - Presented to Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Subcommittee No. 1 on March 8, 2004.
February 18, 2004 - The University of California (UC) receives billions of dollars a year from faculty research contracts and grants (primarily with the federal government and private companies and organizations). Included in this revenue is hundreds of millions of dollars that the university charges for the use of facilities for this research. Because UC has the ability to recover these costs, we recommend the construction of new faculty research facilities be funded from this nonstate revenue.
February 18, 2004 - The Governor proposes significant new restrictions and reductions for the Cal Grant program. We recommend the Legislature reject these proposals and link grant levels with fee levels. We also offer an alternative way to achieve comparable General Fund savings.
February 18, 2004 - The Governor proposes a variety of fee increases at all three public segments. While we believe most of these increases are reasonable, we recommend slightly smaller increases for several fees. We also recommend establishing a long-term fee policy that links student fees to a fixed percentage of educational costs.
February 18, 2004 - Although the Governor proposes no new funding for enrollment growth at UC and CSU, we find that both universities have unused enrollment funding in their base budgets that would permit them to enroll more students in 2004-05 than in the current year.
February 18, 2004 - Whereas the Governor proposes to eliminate General Fund support for outreach programs at the University of California (UC) and the California State University (CSU), we propose a new College Preparation Block Grant for K-12 schools to contract for outreach services.