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January 31, 2002 - We find that three key types of building standards are not being used uniformly by the three segments of higher education. This has resulted in construction costs that are higher than necessary and possible over-statement of facilities needs. As a result, we recommend various improvements to make standards more useful to the Legislature.
February 21, 2001 - We describe the Cal Grant Program which is providing grant aid to over 152,000 college and vocational education students in 2000-01.
February 21, 2001 - We recommend the Legislature provide local community college districts with the authority to allocate faculty resources to meet local campus needs, while it continues to hold districts accountable for improving student outcomes.
February 21, 2001 - We discuss the specific actions the Legislature has recently taken to encourage UC and CSU to expand their summer terms, discuss the Governor's proposal to expand summer terms, and identify options for increasing the incentive UC and CSU have to expand summer enrollments as quickly as possible.
February 21, 2001 - We recommend the Legislature provide funding for higher education capital outlay based on statewide priorities and criteria, using reasonable construction cost guidelines, and on the basis of year-round operations.
February 8, 2001 - Many students arrive at public colleges in California unprepared for college-level courses. In this report we recommend a multifaceted strategy to address this problem by assessing student preparedness earlier, improving accountability in precollegiate education, and funding precollegiate courses in a more equitable and effective manner.
March 29, 2000 - Handout accompanying testimony given to Senate Education Committee.
February 17, 2000 - We recommend that the Legislature evaluate capital outlay proposals by the three segments as a statewide system rather than independent segments and apply statewide guidelines when making funding decisions. This will allow the state to use limited resources to maximum effect.
February 17, 2000 - We recommend a General Fund appropriation of $27.8 million to the California Community Colleges (CCC) to increase the equality of funding among districts.
February 17, 2000 - We recommend the Legislature adopt budget bill language that provides full marginal-cost funding for all enrollment growth at the University of California (UC) and California State University (CSU), regardless of the season in which it occurs.
February 17, 2000 - Total enrollments in CCC, CSU, and UC will grow by an average of 2.2 percent from 2000 to 2010. Although this rate is somewhat higher than those of the previous two decades, it is a much lower rate than in the 1960s and 1970s.