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The 2017-18 Budget: Increased Staffing for Labor Standards Enforcement


The 2016-17 Budget: Labor Code Private Attorneys General Act Resources

March 25, 2016 - This post addresses the Governor’s 2016-17 budget proposal related to the Labor Code Private Attorneys General Act (PAGA). The post provides background on PAGA, describes and assesses the Governor’s proposal, and outlines our recommendations for the Legislature’s consideration. Specifically, we recommend that the Legislature approve requested funding and positions and adopt portions of proposed trailer bill language that require additional information on PAGA proceedings be provided to the Labor and Workforce Development Agency. We recommend that the Legislature reject remaining proposed trailer bill language in favor of consideration in a separate policy bill process.


[PDF] Analysis of the 1995-96 Budget Bill, Business and Labor Chapter

February 22, 1995 - Analysis of the 1995-96 Budget Bill, Business and Labor Chapter


The 2020-21 Spending Plan: Labor and Employment Issues

October 5, 2020 - The 2020-21 Budget Act includes several new initiatives and policy changes related to labor and employment programs. This post provides a high-level overview of the state’s major labor and employment programs and highlights the major labor issues in the budget package, including provisions related to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic.


The 2017-18 Budget: Funding Public Works Labor Enforcement

March 3, 2017 - The Governor’s budget proposes several actions related to public works labor enforcement, including steps to address a structural funding problem the Governor has identified. In this analysis, we discuss our findings and recommendations relative to this proposed actions.


The 2015-16 Budget: Staffing Cal/OSHA Enforcement Responsibilities

March 13, 2015 - To address the Governor's concerns with current Cal/OSHA enforcement, his budget proposes additional Cal/OSHA positions. We recommend that the Legislature approve the requested level of new positions. However, we emphasize that targeting planned inspections to those business establishments with the highest likelihood of improved compliance is critical to using planned inspection resources cost-effectively, and recommend that DIR report at legislative hearings on ongoing efforts to improve inspection targeting.


[PDF] The 2014-15 Budget: Analysis of the Human Services Budget

February 20, 2014 - In this report, we analyze the Governor's 2014-15 human services budget proposals. In it, we (1) recommend that the Legislature consider modifications to the Governor's proposed response to new federal regulations concerning overtime in the In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) programs; (2) find that although the Governor's California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs) budget proposal raises valid concerns, the Legislature should reject the proposal; and (3) recommend several modifications to the Governor's comprehensive proposal to reform the Community Care Licensing (CCL) program in light of recent health and safety issues discovered at residential care and other CCL-licensed facilities.


[PDF] Workplace Safety and Health During COVID-19

November 17, 2020 - Assembly Committee on Labor and Employment


The 2020-21 Budget: Improving the State's Unpaid Wage Claim Process

February 19, 2020 - In this post, we provide a background on employment laws, take an initial look at worker outcomes in the wage claim process, and highlight several opportunities to improve the process. We also assess the Governor’s proposal to hire additional staff at the Department of Industrial Relations to reduce delays that have recently begun to affect wage claims.


[PDF] Enforcing Workplace Health and Safety Standards

November 15, 2022 - Presented to: Assembly Committee on Labor and Employment