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A Review of State Standards and Inspections for Local Detention Facilities


[PDF] A Review of State Standards and Inspections for Local Detention Facilities

March 8, 2021 - Presented to: Assembly Budget Subcommittee No. 5 On Public Safety Hon. Christina Garcia, Chair


[PDF] A Review of State Standards and Inspections for Local Detention Facilities

March 2, 2022 - Presented to: Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Subcommittee No. 5 on Public Safety, Judiciary, Labor and Transportation


[PDF] California's Jails and Juvenile Detention Facilities

February 1, 1997 - Changes in California's population, increasing numbers of persons arrested for crimes, and changes in law have had significant impacts on local correctional facilities for adult and juvenile offenders. While the number of jail beds in California has more than doubled since 1980, many of those arrested for crimes are never booked into jail and thousands of offenders are released after serving only a fraction of their jail sentence because of a lack of space. The state's juvenile detention facilities have remained virtually unchanged over the past 30 years, even though the types of juvenile offenders have become more violent and the number of offenders has increased. In this report, we summarize the state of California's jails and juvenile facilities.


The 2014-15 Budget: Governor's Criminal Justice Proposals

February 19, 2014 - In the report we provide an analysis of the Governor's budget proposals for state criminal justice programs, including the judicial branch, California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR), and various proposals related to local public safety. The report reviews the most significant proposals in these departments and offers corresponding recommendations for the Legislature's consideration. For example, we recommend that the Legislature take several actions to improve the administration’s approach to trial court funding, including the current trial court reserves policy. In addition, we review the administration’s proposals related to correctional relief staffing and overtime and make a series of recommendations to reduce spending on staffing and overtime and make CDCR's staffing process more cost-efficient.


[PDF] Analysis of the 1995-96 Budget Bill, Judiciary and Criminal Justice Chapter

February 22, 1995 - Analysis of the 1995-96 Budget Bill, Judiciary and Criminal Justice Chapter


[PDF] The 2013-14 Budget: Governor's Criminal Justice Proposals

February 15, 2013 - The Governor’s 2013-14 budget for criminal justice programs is relatively flat. It contains few major proposals for the judiciary or corrections compared with recent years when the state budget included significant budget cuts to programs, as well as major policy changes. In total, the Governor's budget provides $13.2 billion for criminal justice programs in 2013-14. This is an increase of about 2 percent over estimated current-year expenditures. In this report, we review the Governor’s 2013-14 budget proposals for criminal justice programs, including the judicial branch, California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, Board of State and Community Corrections, and the Department of Justice. We identify concerns with several of the proposals and make recommendations for legislative consideration. In some cases, we identify proposals that we think should be rejected or modified, resulting in several million dollars of General Fund savings. We also identify several issues that we think would benefit from additional legislative oversight. These include (1) how trial courts will implement budget reductions in coming years, particularly in the absence of reserves beginning in 2014-15, (2) the new staffing methodology being implemented by the federal court-appointed Receiver currently managing the state’s inmate medical system, and (3) efforts by the Board of State and Community Corrections to meet its statutory mission to assist local agencies improve criminal justice outcomes through technical assistance and data collection.


The 2021-22 Spending Plan: Judiciary and Criminal Justice

October 6, 2021 - This post provides an overview of the major judiciary and criminal justice proposals approved as part of the 2021-22 budget package. The 2021‑22 budget provides $17.3 billion from the General Fund for judicial and criminal justice programs. This is an increase of $2.3 billion (15 percent) above the revised 2020‑21 spending level.


California's Criminal Justice System: A Primer (2013)

January 17, 2013 - In recent years, the state has passed various laws altering the state's criminal justice system. Most notably, in 2011, the state shifted--or "realigned"--responsibility to house and supervise tens of thousands of adult felons from the state to local governments. Major policy changes such as the 2011 realignment, as well as others, are likely to raise numerous questions from policymakers, practitioners, and the public regarding those policies' impacts on public safety and costs. Consequently, we are releasing an updated version of our 2007 report California's Criminal Justice System: A Primer. This report includes key statistics on crime rates, adult and juvenile arrests, prosecutions in the criminal courts, and state and local corrections in California. Where possible, this information is provided through 2011, providing readers with a picture of the state's criminal justice system prior to the full implementation of the 2011 realignment, against which they can evaluate how the system changed following realignment (such as in terms of crime rates, court caseloads, and correctional populations). This report also includes in-depth discussions of some of the most important criminal justice issues likely to face policymakers in coming years.


[PDF] State Reimbursement of Mandated Costs: A Review of Statutes Funded in 1985

April 1, 1986 - Chapter 1256, Statutes of 1980, requires the Legislative Analyst to report each year on any previously unfunded state mandates for which the Legislature appropriated funds in a claims bill during the prior fiscal year. This report reviews those mandates funded initially in Chapter 1175, Statutes of 1985.


Assessing the Governor's Reorganization Proposals

February 22, 2005 - On January 6, 2005, the administration released its plans to eliminate 88 boards and commissions and to reorganize the Youth and Adult Correctional Agency (YACA). For each of the plans, we provide an assessment of its fiscal effect and raise key issues. Although the administration recently has decided not to forward its boards and commissions proposal to the Legislature, the piece provides key considerations for the Legislature when seeking to consolidate these types of entities. Regarding the YACA proposal, we conclude it has the potential to improve the efficiency, accountability, and effectiveness of the state's prison system. However, the plan omits important details that the Legislature requires in order to fully evaluate its merits. Our analysis indicates that the proposed reorganization would probably result in net costs in the short term, but has the potential to achieve significant long-term net savings by placing a greater emphasis on inmate rehabilitation as a means of increasing public safety.


[PDF] AIDS Education in Correctional Facilities: A Review

January 1, 1990 - This report is submitted in response to Chapter 1579, Statutes of 1988 (Senate Bill 1913, Presley). Chapter 1579 requires the Legislative Analyst's Office to determine whether the Department of Corrections (CDC) and the Department of the Youth Authority (CYA) have adequate education, prevention, and treatment programs related to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), and whether the programs are being properly implemented. Additionally, the law requires the Legislative Analyst's Office to assess the quality of AIDS education and prevention programs in county and city jails.


[PDF] The 2015-16 Budget: Implementation of Proposition 47

February 17, 2015 - On November 4, 2014, voters approved Proposition 47 which makes significant changes to the state’s criminal justice system. Specifically, it reduces the penalties for certain non-violent, nonserious drug and property crimes and requires that the resulting state savings be spent on (1) mental health and substance use treatment services, (2) truancy and dropout prevention, and (3) victim services. In this report, we describe the impact of Proposition 47 on state corrections, state courts, and the county criminal justice system, as well as the Governor’s budget proposals related to the proposition. We also provide recommendations for ensuring that the resulting state savings are spent in an effective manner.