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Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada in Criminal Justice

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A Status Report: Reducing Prison Overcrowding in California [Publication Details]

Aug 5, 2011 - Our analysis, however, indicates that the realignment plan alone is unlikely to reduce overcrowding sufficiently within the two–year deadline set by the court. This indicates to us that, as the U.S. Supreme Court suggested, a somewhat longer timeframe is warranted.

The 2017-18 Budget: Overview of the Governor's Criminal Justice Budget

Jan 27, 2017 - During this same time period, General Fund augmentations were provided to the trial courts to partially offset reductions made in prior years. Governor ’s Budget Proposals Total Proposed Spending of $16.1  Billion in 2017-18.

Default Prove-Up Process, Chapter 193, Statutes of 2011 (AB 110, Blumenfield) [Publication Details]

Jul 18, 2014 - Default Prove-Up Process, Chapter 193, Statutes of 2011 (AB 110, Blumenfield) [Publication Details] Default Prove-Up Process, Chapter 193, Statutes of 2011 (AB 110, Blumenfield) Format: PDF Description: In recent years, various concerns have been raised regarding the state’s “default prove-up process”—a trial court process related to certain civil cases involving the collection of debt.

California Department of Corrections (CDC) Budget Deficiencies Likely to Continue [Publication Details]

Feb 20, 2002 - The California Department of Corrections has had several consecutive years of budget deficiencies. Although some significant efforts have been made to control spending, there continue to be ongoing budget problems that will likely result in significant General Fund deficiencies in the current and budget years.

The 2017-18 Budget: Federal Receiver for Inmate Medical Services

Mar 3, 2017 - This is because the current staffing model used to determine level of LVNs and associated funding needed each year for medication management does not account for certain factors that have increased workload in recent years.

Governor’s “Structural Shortfall” Proposal for the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) [Publication Details]

Jan 24, 2011 - The Governor’s budget for 2011-12 provides an additional $395 million in General Fund support for CDCR for expenses that the department indicates have exceeded its budget authority in previous years.

Maximizing State Benefits from Public-Private Partnerships [Publication Details]

Nov 8, 2012 - Maximizing State Benefits from Public-Private Partnerships [Publication Details] Maximizing State Benefits from Public-Private Partnerships Format: HTML Description: In recent years, the state has entered into public-private partnerships (P3) to finance, design, construct, operate, and maintain two state infrastructure projects in order to achieve benefits that they might not have obtained under a more traditional procurement approach.

CDCR--Offenders With Sentences of Three Years or Less Serve Locally (Agenda Page 4, Item 5225) [Publication Details]

Jun 7, 2010 - CDCR--Offenders With Sentences of Three Years or Less Serve Locally (Agenda Page 4, Item 5225) [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

The 2017-18 Budget: Trial Court Security Funding for Counties

Jan 25, 2017 - (This would result in a full-year implementation of $560,000 in 2018 ‑19.) At this time, the administration has not identified which trial courts will gain or lose judgeships. Lack of Justification for Additional Funding Absent information on which courts will be losing or receiving judgeships, it is difficult for the Legislature to determine whether trial court security levels are actually increasing.