Results for quezon city transfer of ownership

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[PDF] 1955 Budget Analysis: Department of Motor Vehicles

It is esti- mated that of the total cars registered in the State, 25 percent are legally owned by a second party and involve transfers of titles. Each time a transfer of legal ownership is involved, a new certificate of legal ownership must be made and a new registration card prepared.

[PDF] 1955 Budget Analysis: Health

This is part of an over-all recommendation looking toward the eventual centralized ownership of all state cars in order to achieve the maximum benefits to be derived from broad fleet ownership and control, central maintenance, and extension of pool operations to the extent feasible and economical, as explained in detail in a special section in the introduction to this report.

[PDF] 1955 Budget Analysis: Control Sections

This section permits the Department of Finance to transfer funds from one agency to another when the functions performed by the re- spective agencies are transferred. SECTION 21, page 107, of the Budget Bill Recommendation : We recommend approval.

[PDF] 1955 Budget Analysis: Index

Plant Industry, Division 01'-___________________________ --'------------ 56 Aid 1;0 Cities and Counties (Local Assistance Budget) __ '_ ________________ .: __ 825 Adoptions ___________________________________________________________ 835 Aged and Children, Inspection of Agencies Caring for _____________________ 834 Agricultural Commissioners _:.. _____ ~

[PDF] 1956 Budget Analysis: Executive

Nevertheless, we believe that considerable additional thought must be given in the General Session of 1957 to further streamlining of the operations of this branch of the state government and to effect- ing more economies by the transfer of as many functions as possible from state to local control.

[PDF] 1956 Budget Analysis: Education

Serve on committees to plan educational training programs for state,cciunty and city personnel. 2. Organize classes for regular day students in high schools and junior colleges in salesmanship, advertising, and merchandising. 3.

[PDF] 1956 Budget Analysis: Highway Patrol

Effect of Freeways on Number of Accidents on Adjacent City Streets The effects of freeways on accidents on adjacent city streets is illustrated by statistics relative to the City of Tulare as reported in California Highways and Public Works for January, 1955.

[PDF] 1956 Budget Analysis: Motor Vehicles

One function corollary to registering motor vehicles is collection of the" in lieu" tax on motor vehicles; this tax is ap- portioned to the cities and counties for highway purposes . . The Motor Vehicle Fund finances the major portion of the depart- ment '8 activities.

[PDF] 1956 Budget Analysis: Public Works

Accmnulated surpluses in the fund, as of JUly 1, 1956, are estimated at approximately $2,200,000, of which it is proposed to transfer to the - 483- Public Works Division of Architecture-Continued General Fund approximately $1,450,000, leaving a starting balance of $750,000.

[PDF] 1956 Budget Analysis: Welfare

This is due to normal salary increases and an in- crease of $380 in moving expenses for the transfer of part of the staff from Los Angeles to Sacramento. The division is eventually planning to have its entire staff in Sacramento.