Results for quezon city transfer of ownership

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[PDF] 1956 Budget Analysis: Miscellaneous

It pro- vides that the State Controller upon approval of the State Board of Control shall transfer to this item, from any appropriation in Section 2 of this act made from the General Fund, that part of such appropria- tion intended for the purchase of automobiles.

[PDF] 1956 Budget Analysis: Local Assistance

The amount of the tuberculosis subsidy to cities, counties, and cities and counties is based on provisions of Sections 3301.5 and 3301.6 of the Health and Safety Oode. It is provided that each county, city or city and county shall receive $2.60 per patient-day for the first 36,500 patient-days of care, $2.30 per patient-day for the second 36,500 patient- days and $1.75 for all patient-days in excess of 73,000.

[PDF] 1957 Budget Analysis: Executive

For purposes of extreme emer- gency as defined by Section 1505 and 1505.5 of the Military and Vet- erans Code, it provides that this money or so much as necessary shall be transferred to the Emergency Fund upon direction of the Governor, Controller and Director of Finance and pursuant to the recommenda- tion of the California State Disaster Council.

[PDF] 1957 Budget Analysis: Agriculture

On June 30, 1957, these cities plan to discontinue inspection of meat processing establishments which will require the State under Section 312 of the Agriculture Code to provide the service. At the present time the only cities which do not have state meat inspection are San Francisco, Marysville, Sacramento, and Oakland which represent 95 meat processing plants.

[PDF] 1957 Budget Analysis: Motor Vehicles

Department of Motor Vehicles DEFICIE·NCY PAYMENTS ITEM 170 of the Budget Bill FOR PAYMENT OF DEFICIENCIES IN APPROPRIATIONS FOR DEPART- MENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM THE MOTOR VEHICLE FUND Amount requested ______________________________________________ $250,000 Estimated to be transferred for additional support and capital outlay in the 1956-57 Fiscal Year ______________________________________ 94,984 Increase (163.2 percent)

[PDF] 1957 Budget Analysis: Alcoholic Beverage Control

Similar action was taken with respect to the Pilot Commissioners Special Fund in 1947, placing a ceiling of $6,500 on the unbudgeted accumulated surplus and transfer- ring any excess to the General Fund.

[PDF] 1957 Budget Analysis: Veterans

The former responsibilities of the Director of Public Works, the State Engineer and the Division. of W ater R~sources, the State Water Resources Board and th~ \Vater Project Authority were transferred to the new Department of Water Resources except for cer- tain water rights activities which were given to a new agency, the State Water Rights Board.

[PDF] 1957 Budget Analysis: Water Resources

Other activities of the division cover,ing the operation and maintenance of departmental flood control works and other essentially operating activities will even- tuallybe transferred to a Division of Operations as proposed in the long-range plan for the department's organization.

[PDF] 1957 Budget Analysis: Local Assistance

Current estimates of these costs by the City of Santa Cruz now total $3,387,000. Neither the city nor. the Corps of Engineers has reason to be concerned about these rising costs as long as the State is willing to pay them.

[PDF] 1958 Budget Analysis: Preliminary Statement

With the exception of $50;000,000 ' transferred' to, the School Bond Retirement Fund, the transfers' of 1951-52 and 'subsequent years represent transfers for expenditure in the' year in which transferred'rather thatI'Sums reserved ~or expenditure 'in future years. ' 2 Incluqes adjustments for prior years and changes in inetliods of accounting