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[PDF] 1958 Budget Analysis: Appendix

STATE OFFICE .BUILDINGS FINANCED BY LOANS FROM TREASURY FUNDS ITEM 460 of the Budget Bill Budget page 987 FOR CONSTRUCTION OF AN OFFICE BUILDING IN THE CITY OF SAC- RAMENTO FROM THE PUBLIC BUILDING CONSTRUCTION FUND RECOMMENDATIONS Amount budgeted ______________________________________________ $12,789,900 Legislative Analyst's recommendation ____________________ Inadequate

[PDF] 1958 Budget Analysis: Control Section

This transfer does not cover interest, paid into these respective funds by borrowers. The transfer of this money is another bookkeeping transac- tion to provide funds which will assist in balancing the budget for the next fiscal year.

[PDF] 1958 Budget Analysis: Index

.'-__________________ 841 Long Beach State College ____________________________________________ 261, 751 Los Angeles Center, California Industries for the Blind _____________________ 282 Los Angeles State College of Applied Arts and Sciences __________________ 262, 753 Los Guilucos School for Girls __________________________ '_-------------188, 738 881 Index M Page Marine Fisheries Commission,

[PDF] 1959 Budget Analysis: Transmittal

The principal expenditures which are provided for by the Constitution and by the statutes include $635.6 million in public school apportionments, $278.7 million for the State Highway System, $191.4 million for social welfare assistance, and $235.8 million in highway users revenues shared with cities and counties.

[PDF] 1959 Budget Analysis: Agriculture

While' we have not made a detailed examination of this procedure, we believe' it reasonable to assume that one clerical position could be eliminated and the present office equipment involved transferred to other agencies ree quiring it at some savings to the State.

[PDF] 1959 Budget Analysis: Fiscal Affairs

The Collier-Burns Act of 1947 gave the Controller the responsibility for reviewing and reporting on the use of gas tax moneys apportioned to cities and counties. The useful- ness of these reports in relation· to the amount of work done and the costs involved is questionable.

[PDF] 1959 Budget Analysis: Industrial Relations

Only a limited number of cities and counties have adopted adequate trailer park ordinances. In this situation a local jurisdiction can avoid the costs of enforcement of adequate housing and trailer park laws by simply allowing this responsibility to remain with the division.

[PDF] 1959 Budget Analysis: Public Health

Also, a position of administrative assistant that wal;l transferred to the department when the Alcoholic Rehabilitation Commission was abolished was reclassified to administrative analyst and filled.

[PDF] 1959 Budget Analysis: Public Works

The balance of the employees of the Division of Architecture receive their salaries through charges made against the individual appropriations for capital outlay projects, using the Archi- tectural Revolving Fund as a medium of transfer.

[PDF] 1959 Budget Analysis: Regulation and Licensing

The agency's budget provides for a transfer of $40,000 to the Uni- versity of California for research in the field of public accounting. We note the sum total of these transfers since the 1956-57 Fiscal Year to and including the budget year have been an estimated $107,912.