Results for quezon city transfer of ownership

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[PDF] 1957 Budget Analysis: Agriculture

On June 30, 1957, these cities plan to discontinue inspection of meat processing establishments which will require the State under Section 312 of the Agriculture Code to provide the service. At the present time the only cities which do not have state meat inspection are San Francisco, Marysville, Sacramento, and Oakland which represent 95 meat processing plants.

[PDF] Use of state gasoline sales tax revenues for transportation purposes

Fiscal Effect The measure would transfer on a permanent basis beginning 2006-07, state gasoline sales tax revenues that are deposited in the General Fund to transportation-related purposes. The amount that would be transferred from the General Fund is projected to be $1.4 billion in 2006-07 and would increase annually thereafter, depending on in- creases in gasoline prices and consumption.

[PDF] LAO 2001 Budget Analysis: General Government Chapter

The VLF is an annual fee on the ownership of a registered vehicle in Califor- nia, levied in place of taxing vehicles as personal property. The revenues are distributed to cities and counties. As part of the 1998 budget agree- ment, the VLF was permanently cut by 25 percent, with the potential of future reductions of up to 67.5 percent (dependent on the growth of Gen- eral Fund revenues).

[PDF] State Equal Employment Opportunity Programs After GRP-1

The GRP-1 transferred the Bilingual Certifi cation Program from SPB to CalHR and transferred the Bilingual Pay Program from DPA to CalHR. Bilingual Services Program 5L E G I S L A T I V E A N A L Y S T ’ S O F F I C E July 2, 2014 LAO 70 YEARS OF SERVICE  GRP-1 Transferred Program Administration to CalHR.

COVID-19: Federal Health-Related Response

Mar 23, 2020 - California Received $90.7  Million From the CDC Through DHHS Transfers and the CPRSAA. The State of California and Los Angeles County have received CDC funding totaling $90.7  million from the DHHS transfers and the CPRSAA, as described below.

Congestion Relief Transportation Trust Fund #2

As a result, a total of about $5.6  billion would be transferred from the General Fund in 2006-07 and increasing annually thereafter. By transferring revenues from the General Fund, the measure would not affect the K-14 minimum school funding guaranteed by Proposition  98.

Revenue from paper and reusable carryout bag sales. [Ballot]

Nov 23, 2015 - This law does not replace existing local ordinances, and, there fore, only applies to cities and counties that do not already have their own single-use carryout bag ordinances. Referendum on State Ban.

Online sports wagering. [Ballot]

Oct 20, 2021 - At the same time, DOJ, county district attorneys, and city attorneys can pursue criminal actions seeking fines or convictions for violations of th e state ’s gaming laws. Tribal-State Compacts. Indian tribes possess special status under federal law.

2001 Budget Analysis:Department of Toxic

General Fund Transfer for Hazardous Waste Management Program Not Justified The budget proposes a transfer of $1.2 million from the General Fund to support the Hazardous Waste Management Program. As a need for these funds in the budget year has not been ju stified, we recommend disapproval of the transfer.

2002 Budget Analysis: Transportation, Condition of Transportation Funds

The Director of Finance may authorize the transfer of an amount exceeding the $672  million provided by this item if the Director determines both that (1) the General Fund condition necessitates such a transfer and (2) expenditures from the Traffic Congestion Relief Fund are lower than originally expected and the additional transfer will not negatively affect cash-flow needs of transportation projects.