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LAO 2009-10 Budget Analysis Series: General Government: Increase State Revenues by Making Changes to Tax Programs

Penalize Taxpayers Claiming Baseless and Overstated Tax Refunds. Taxpayers can claim a tax refund on their income tax if the tax they owe is less than the amount they paid during the tax year through withholding.

2011 Initiative Analysis:Protect Homeowners'and Close Corporate Tax Loopholes Act

Property Tax Deduction. Businesses may deduct payment of local property taxes as a business expense in their computation of taxable income under the state ’s corporate tax (CT) and personal income tax (PIT).

[PDF] The California Healthcare, Research and Prevention Tobacco Tax Act of 2014

This measure also creates a one-time “floor tax” on cigarettes that are stored by businesses at the time the new excise tax is levied. Floor taxes are typically used to prevent businesses from avoiding taxes by stockpiling products before a tax goes into effect.

[PDF] Abusive Tax Shelters: Impact of Recent California Legislation

Abusive TAx shelTers Under both the state’s personal income tax (PIT) and the corporation tax (CT), tax- payers are able to shelter certain income from taxation. Some of these forms of shelter- ing are explicitly allowed under the tax code.

[PDF] The McCauley Pension Recovery Act

We discuss the impact of the proposed income tax surcharge and the excise tax separately below. Income Tax Surcharge The FTB estimates that the income tax surcharge would generate roughly $15 billion per year.

[PDF] The 2011-12 Budget: Achieving General Fund Relief from Transportation Funds

This means that if the Legislature does not reenact the tax provisions of the tax swap with a two-thirds vote, they would be repealed November 3, 2011. Absent legislative action to reenact the tax swap, the state would most likely return to taxing fuels the way it did prior to the swap legislation.

[PDF] LAO 1998 Perspectives and Issues: Perspectives on State Revenues

The budget also proposes permanent elimination of the renters’ tax credit, although we view this not as a tax program per se, but rather akin to an expenditure program which uses the tax structure as a conve- nient means of disbursing its benefits.)

2005 Initiative Analysis: The Clean Alternative Energy Act (version 1), Amendment #2-S

Proposal Severance Tax on Oil Production in California. Beginning in January 2007, the measure would impose a severance tax on oil production in California. (The term severance tax is commonly used to describe a tax on the production of any mineral or product taken from the ground, including oil.)

[PDF] The Clean Alternative Energy Act (version 1), Amendment #2-S

Proposal Severance Tax on Oil Production in California. Beginning in January 2007, the measure would impose a severance tax on oil production in California. (The term severance tax is commonly used to describe a tax on the production of any mineral or product taken from the ground, including oil.)

[PDF] The McCauley-Rooker Wealth Tax and Oceans Preservation Act (Amendment #1-NS)

Impact From New Taxes One-Time Increase From the Wealth Tax. The measure would result in a one-time increase in state revenues (realized in 2011-12 and 2012-13) as a result of the establish- ment of the wealth tax.