Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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The 2021-22 California Spending Plan: The State Appropriations Limit

Aug 30, 2021 - School District Limits. For many years, the state has shifted some of its limit to school districts that would otherwise exceed their limits. However, that shift only occurred in one direction —from the state to districts.

[PDF] State of Transit in California

While some agencies are projecting operational funding shortfalls in 2023-24, the bulk of these shortfalls will arise in 2024-25. Unless these structural budget deficits are addressed, transit agencies face a threat to their solvency.

[PDF] Hearing Concerning Propositions 30, 31, 38, and 39

Requires the Legislature to show how some bills that increase state spending or decrease state revenues by more than $25 million in any fi scal year would be paid for with spending reductions, revenue increases, or a combination of both.  Changes When Legislature Can Pass Certain Bills.

MOU Fiscal Analysis: Bargaining Unit 2 (Attorneys and Hearing Officers)

Aug 29, 2016 - Under the agreement, employees first hired by the state in or after 2017 will not receive any state contribution for health and dental b enefits in retirement unless they work for 15 or more years. After 15 years of service, these workers would receive 50  percent of the revised maximum state contribution to retirement, with this amount growing each

[PDF] The California Class Size Reduction Act

The first prescribed increase in the sales tax rate (.25 percent) would go into effect in the first fiscal year following passage of the measure (presumably 2001-02), and would yield increased revenues of approximately $1 billion.

Proposition 26 [Ballot]

Nov 8, 2022 - The California Constitution requires the state to spend a minimum amount on K-12 schools and community colleges each year. This minimum amount grows over time based on growth in state tax revenues, the economy, and student attendance.

The 2020-21 Budget: Hastings College of the Law

Mar 13, 2020 - In recent years, the school has kept staffing levels steady regardless of changes to enrollment. Thus, in years when enrollment has grown, the school has received more tuition revenue to cover its operating costs.

[PDF] Figure 11_Additional Workload and Funding for CDE.indd

Administer fee waiver program for homeless youth who take high school equivalency exams. Pursuant to Chapter 384 of 2015 (SB 252, Leno). State General Fund, $21,000 ongoing and $4,000 one time. 25 Recommend Approval.

[PDF] The Governor’s proposed provisional language associated with the

The Governor’s proposed provisional language associated with the $25 million General Fund augmentation does not establish an enrollment target for the UC Riverside School of Medicine. Were the Legislature to decide to fund enrollment growth at the school, we recommend it set enrollment targets and specify the period of time over which the school has to meet the targets.

[PDF] The 2015-16 Budget: Proposition 98 Education Analysis

Moreover, HSN has experienced less fiscal uncertainty than school districts in the recent past because its state appropriation has remained stable from year to year. This suggests HSN’s current reserve level is much too high.