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[PDF] LAO 1994 Budget Analysis: Health & Social Services Chapter

Thus, the elimination of these programs would, in effect, transfer responsibility for many pregnant women to the counties. These women would, however, be eligible both for pregnancy- related medical benefits under Medi-Cal and for food stamps.

[PDF] LAO 1994 Budget Analysis: Resources Chapter

The budget also proposes to transfer $2 million from the OHVF to the SPRF. (This transfer will leave no balance in the OHVF as the budget also proposes to expend all other OHVF resources in support of the department.) !

[PDF] LAO 1995 Budget Analysis: K-12 Education Chapter

$2.6 million for administrative costs needed to spend federal funds that were transferred to the Department of Social Services (DSS) but were not spent. Without this augmentation of state funds, more than $17 million in federal block grant funds can not be spent.

[PDF] LAO 1995 Budget Analysis: State Administration Chapter

Any fees collected in excess of those needed for support are transferred to the General Fund. The Governor's Budget estimates that $4.2 million will be transferred to the General Fund at the end of the current year and that $2.6 million will be transferred at the end of the budget year.

Analysis of the 1995-96 Budget Bill: Resources Crosscutting Issues and Departments #1

Proposition 117 allows the Legislature to substitute for the General Fund the transfer of other appropriate funds. The budget proposes to transfer about $27.4 million from various funds into the HCF in 1995-96.

Analysis of the 1995-96 Budget Bill: Health and Social Services Overview

The savings would be achieved primarily by: Shifting some of the state's costs of certain welfare programs to the counties, partially funded by a transfer of revenues to the counties and county savings from state assumption of a higher share of trial court costs.

Analysis of the 1995-96 Budget Bill: State Administration Overview

The shortfalls are covered by annual transfers from the General Fund. These transfers are expect ed to increase by $21 million, from $824 million in the current year to $845 million in the budget year.

Analysis of the 1995-96 Budget Bill: County Admin Claims;Copay Drugs;Nursing Facilities

Recognizing this incr ease, the 1994 Budget Act also required counties to transfer to the state $200 million annually to offset General Fund costs for the Medi-Cal Program--if federal reimbursements for MAC activities were received.

Analysis of the 1995-96 Budget Bill: University of California

Since enactment of the budget package, the Attorney General has raised concerns that the proposed use of lease- payment bonds (and particularly the as set transfer provisions) may not meet various legal requirements.

Analysis of the 1995-96 Budget Bill: Department of Finance--Office of Information Technology

Analysis of the 1995-96 Budget Bill: Department of Finance--Office of Information Technology Legislative Analyst's Office February 22, 1995 Department of Finance (8860) Information Technology Oversight to be Transferred We withhold recommendation on $2 million proposed to fund the operations of the Office of Information Technology (OIT), pending receipt and review of a plan to create a new Office of the Chief Information Officer.