Results for quezon city transfer of ownership

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Major Features of the 1996 California Budget

"M Case" Transfer. In addition, the budget anticipates transferring from the Youth Authority to the CDC custody of "M cases" who are 18 years of age or older. ("M cases" are offenders who are sentenc ed to the CDC, but who are transferred to the Youth Authority to serve all or part of their incarceration time.)

[PDF] The 2015-16 Budget: Improving State Programs for Crime Victims

Typically, when CDCR collects the fines and fees owed by offenders, it transfers them out of inmate accounts that are maintained for inmates to deposit and withdraw money, similar to bank accounts. In cases where it is collecting restitution orders for victims, the department transfers the funds from an inmate’s account to VCGCB, which then provides it to the victim.

Addressing California’s Key Liabilities

Proposition 42 (2002) required the state to transfer revenue from the sales tax on gasoline to the TIF. The state was allowed to suspend these transfers and use the funds for other budgetary purposes.

[PDF] 1983-84 Budget Analysis: Miscellaneous

Chapter 462 requires cities and counties to have dental examinations performed on unidentified dead bodies and to obtain dental records of missing persons. The budget for 1983-84 requests $33,000 from the General Fund to reimburse them for these costs.

2003 Initiative Analysis: Citizens to End the Car Tax (version 1)

The moneys would be transferred from the RSTF to the Local Government Independence Fund (LGIF)—established under this initiative—and would be based upon what local gover nments would have received had the VLF and/or the General Fund backfill been in place at the 2 percent level.

[PDF] Vehicle license fee, the fefinition of taxes, and certain other related matters

The moneys would be transferred from the RSTF to the Local Government Independence Fund (LGIF)—established under this initiative—and would be based upon what local governments would have received had the VLF and/or the General Fund backfill been in place at the 2 percent level.

[PDF] Leaking Underground Tank Cleanup Pilot Program

The administration's UGT proposal would transfer funds currently set aside for the direct costs of site cleanups to support local administrative and oversight costs associated with clean- ing up UGTs.

2000 Budget Analysis: Cap Outlay CSU 6610

The Web site also indicates that CSU received the 40 acres from the City of Palm Desert under a memorandum of understanding that would provide another 160 acres if CSU decide s to establish a campus within 20 years.

[PDF] The Government Performance and Accountability Act

FISCAL EFFECT State Sales Tax Revenue Transfer. The shift of a portion of the state sales tax to the Performance and Accountability Trust Fund for local government use would reduce state revenue—and increase local revenue—by about $200 million annually, beginning in 2013- 14.

2011 Initiative Analysis:The Government Performance and Accountability Act

Fiscal Effect State Sales Tax Revenue Transfer. The shift of a portion of the state sales tax to the Performance and Accountability Trust Fund for local government use would reduce state revenue —and increase local revenue —by about $200 million annually, beginning in 2013-14.