Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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Road Charge Pilot Program Update

Sep 15, 2016 - Essentially, the gas excise tax serves as a proxy charge for road usage, as taxes paid roughly correspond with miles driven. However, over time changes in the type and fuel efficiency of vehicles have eroded the relationship between fuel taxes and road usage.

Road Charge Pilot Program Update [Publication Details]

Sep 15, 2016 - In 2014, legislation was enacted that requires the California State Transportation Agency to conduct a road charge pilot program to study the feasibility of charging individuals for each mile they drive as an alternative to fuel taxes. The road charge pilot program officially began in July 2016 and will continue through March 2017. In this post, we provide an update on the pilot program.

Poverty in California: Recently Released Census Data [EconTax Blog]

Sep 13, 2016 - Follow @LAOEconTax on Twitter for regular California economy and tax updates.

Property Assessment Rules for Businesses [EconTax Blog]

Sep 6, 2016 - Property Taxes Based on Assessed Value. Under Proposition 13, property taxes are limited to 1 percent of the assessed value of land and buildings. County assessors determine the assessed value of property, which reflects the “full cash value ” when there is a change in ownership.

Data on Real Income Growth Trends by Percentile, 1990-2014 [EconTax Blog]

Sep 6, 2016 - In 1990, for instance, counties with median income below the state median had about 20% of California 's population, but between 1990 and 2014, those counties accounted for 37% of the state 's population growth.

MOU Fiscal Analysis: Bargaining Unit 2 (Attorneys and Hearing Officers)

Aug 29, 2016 - These leave cash outs are subject to Medicare and Social Security payroll taxes but do not affect employees ’ pension benefits. The administration assumes that departments will absorb these costs within existing departmental resources.

Improving Workforce Education and Training Data in California

Aug 18, 2016 - California Department of Education (CDE) Adults in Correctional Facilities Ongoing Proposition 98 funding to county offices of education (COEs) and school districts that provide educational programs to inmates at county jail facilities.

EdBudget Tables (July 2016)

Jul 14, 2016 - K-12 Funding Per Student Over Most Recent Three-Year Period 2014-15 Actual K-12 Education Programs Funded by Proposition 98 (Dollars in Millions) LCFF —County Offices of Education $1,017 After School Education and Safety 547 Foster Youth Services Coordinating Program 15 Safe Neighborhood and Schools Program — County Offices of Education fiscal oversight 5 $2,513 4% a Includes $50 million each year for the Quality Rating and Improvement System.

State Personal Income: 1st Quarter of 2016 [EconTax Blog]

Jul 6, 2016 - Follow @LAOEconTax on Twitter for regular California economy and tax updates.

Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) Tax Credit [Publication Details]

Jun 30, 2016 - Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) Tax Credit [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.