Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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May 1999 Cal Update

Contact--Brad Williams--(916) 324-4942 Property Tax Shift or "ERAF" Data On LAO Web Site During the early 1990s, in response to significant state budget deficits, the state permanently shifted over $3 billion of local property taxes from cities, counties, and special d istricts to schools.

The 2021-22 Spending Plan: Broadband Infrastructure

Oct 27, 2021 - State law directs CPUC to allocate at least half of the $2  billion for last-mile projects in rural counties, with the remainder allocated to urban counties. Each county, whether rural or urban, will receive an initial allocation of $5  million in funding.

The 2017-18 Budget: Overview of the Governor's Budget

Jan 13, 2017 - IHSS MOE Impact on Counties. The elimination of the CCI shifts significant IHSS program costs from the General Fund back to the counties ($600  million in 2017 –18 ). Legislative consideration might be given to how the state might help ease counties ’ transition to a higher share of IHSS costs as counties seek to rebalance their revenues and expenditures in light of the CCI ’s elimination.

[PDF] The 1983-84 Budget: Perspectives and Issues

These changes are as follows: • PersolJal Property Tax Subventions. Under current law, these sub- ventions are paid to counties in one lump sum on November 15 of each year. This payment is estimated to be $511.6 million in the budget year.

[PDF] Repeal Cannabis Prohibition Act of 2012

The measure could result in savings to the state and local governments by reducing the number of marijuana offenders incarcerated in state prisons and county jails, as well as the number placed under county probation or state parole supervision.

2011 Initiative Analysis:The Repeal Cannabis Prohibition Act of 2012

The measure could result in savings to the state and local governments by reducing the number of marijuana offenders incarcerated in state prisons and county jails, as well as the number placed under community supervision (such as county probation).

2011 Initiative Analysis:Repeal Cannabis Prohibition Act of 2012

The measure could result in savings to the state and local governments by reducing the number of marijuana offenders incarcerated in state prisons and county jails, as well as the number placed under county probation or state parole supervision.

The 2022-23 Budget: Temporary Limits on Business Tax Provisions

Jan 26, 2022 - The 2022-23 Budget: Temporary Limits on Business Tax Provisions The 2022‑23 Budget Temporary Limits on Business Tax Provisions Summary. This post provides background on temporary limits on the use of net operating loss deductions and business tax credits.

1997-98 Budget Analysis: The "COPS" Program

Cities and counties spend over $7 billion on law enforcement, prosecution, and jails. As local budgets h ave been strained by the recession and property tax shifts, however, concern has been voiced as to whether local governments are able to fund local public safety adequately.

1999-00 Perspectives and Issues: Perspective on State Expenditures

The realignment of state and county health and welfare responsibilities enacted in 1991-92 placed revenue from a half-cent increase in the state sales tax (traditionally a General Fund revenue source) into a special fund to help counties offset a portion of the costs that were shifted to them.