Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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LAO Publications

Browse other LAO products using the links at the bottom of the sidebar. 1,015 Publications Found Clear Filters LAO ReportReport Review of School Transportation in California Format: HTML February 25, 2014 - In 2013-14, the Legislature undertook a major restructuring of school finance but retained the state’s Home-to-School Transportation (HTST) program.

[PDF] The 2021-22 Budget: California Community Colleges

Through 2023-24, these community college districts are to receive the total apportionment amount they received in 2017-18 adjusted for COLA each year of the period. Beginning in 2024-25, districts are to receive no less than the per-student rate they generated in 2017-18 under the former apportionment formula multiplied by their current FTE student count.

LAO Publications

LAO Publications Video August 25, 2011 - California’s infrastructure includes a diverse array of capital facilities across many program areas. Additionally, the state provides funding for local public infrastructure such as K-12 schools and local streets and roads.

[PDF] The 2023-24 Budget: Analysis of the Medi-Cal Budget

The Governor’s budget proposes to shift the elimination of the delay in provider payment processing until 2024-25, which frees up $378 million one-time General Fund in 2022-23. • Partial Delay of Funding for Behavioral Health Continuum Infrastructure Program.

How Does Tech Company Equity Pay Affect Income Tax Withholding? [EconTax Blog]

Nov 16, 2023 - Without the stock price gains, current year withholding receipts would be down 1 percent relative to last year, rather than up 1 percent. Background California Employers Make Regular Income Tax Withholding Payments for Their Employees.

How Does Tech Company Equity Pay Affect Income Tax Withholding? [EconTax Blog]

Nov 16, 2023 - Without the stock price gains, current year withholding receipts would be down 1 percent relative to last year, rather than up 1 percent. Background California Employers Make Regular Income Tax Withholding Payments for Their Employees.

California Spending Plan 2004-05: The Budget Act and Related Legislation

Adjusting for these factors, and including new revenue from a student fee increase, reveals a year-to-year increase in a vailable resources of $288  million, or 5.9  percent. Major augmentations are identified below.

2007 Initiative Analysis:Public Safety Through Prisoner Rehabilitation Act of 2008

This includes inmates sentenced to life terms in prison, those convicted of certain sex crimes, and those who committed certain rules violations in the past year while in prison. The measure would also restrict family visiting to those inmates who have a high school degree or its equivalent and who agree to random drug testing.

[PDF] 2018-19 Fire Response and Recovery

Some reimbursements may come in the current year, while others may not come until the budget year or a few years later because it takes time to complete projects. Federal Funding for Fire Response and Recovery 5L E G I S L A T I V E A N A L Y S T ’ S O F F I C E March 1, 2018  Estimated $1.8 Billion in State Costs for Northern and Southern California Fires in 2017-18, Mostly Offset by Reimbursements.

Flexible Funding to California in the American Rescue Plan

Mar 23, 2021 - State and local governments have until December 31, 2024 to use the funds. Restrictions on Use of Funds. There are two restrictions on the use of the fiscal recovery funds. First, state and local governments are prohibited from using the funds to make supplemental pension payments.