Results for quezon city transfer of ownership

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What Will It Mean for California? The Tobacco Settlement

The remaining 10 percent, or $1.25 billion, will be split equally among four specified cities--Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco, and San Jose. The MOU limits the recovery to t hese cities who could have filed an independent lawsuit pursuant to a specific provision of the Business and Professions Code.

[PDF] The 2017-18 Budget: Transportation Funding Package

We also assume that the Legislature will share one-third of all new revenues with cities and counties for their local streets and roads, maintaining the current proportional share of revenues. To the extent that the Legislature chooses to provide a greater share of revenue to cities and counties, the level of funding needed under each scenario would increase.

The 2022-23 Budget: Student Financial Aid

Feb 18, 2022 - In addition, some of these recipients are expected to transfer to CSU or UC, where award amounts are larger. Another factor contributing to the Cal Grant cost increase in 2022‑23 is higher tuition award amounts at UC, where the Board of Regents has adopted a plan to raise systemwide charges for new resident undergraduates from $12,570 to $13,104 in 2022‑23.

[PDF] An LAO Report Colorado River Water: Challenges for California

The Colorado River Board should consider expanding the focus of its plan to include statewide measures in addition to those which pertain solely to the use, supply, or transfer of Colorado River water.

LAO Education

Although the Governor's proposal to allow 60-day fund transfers among accounts would provide some cash relief, we recommend the Legislature instead consolidate CTC's revenues into a single, combined account.

The 2016-17 Budget: Resources and Environmental Protection

Feb 16, 2016 - Even with the proposed transfer, the Governor ’s budget estimates a year –end fund balance of $149  million in 2016 –17 . LAO Assessment OHV Revenue Transfer Is Legal  .  .  . We note that fuel tax revenues have been redirected from the OHV Trust Fund in the past.

[PDF] 1954 Budget Analysis: CONTROL SECTIONS

This section permits the Department of Finance to transfer funds from one agency to another when the functions performed by the re- spective agencies are transferred. SECTION 30, page 102, of the Budget Bill Recommendation : We recommend approval.

No Public Resources Used to Deport California Residents [Ballot]

Oct 14, 2014 - Proposal This measure amends the State Constitution to specify the following: “No state, county, or city funds or resources may be used to detain and deport a resident of California. ” Fiscal Effects The fiscal impact of this measure would depend on such factors as court decisions interpreting the measure and on how state, local, and federal law enforcement responded to its pro visions.

[PDF] LAO 2007-08 Budget Analysis: Judicial and Criminal Justice

The request assumes that 68 facilities will transfer to the state by June 30 in addition to the 17 that have already transferred. At this time, however, it is unclear how many of the 68 facilities will actually be transferred by that time.

Major Potential State Fiscal Risk Averted Following Withdrawal of Proposed Federal Medicaid Financing Regulation

Sep 21, 2020 - “Medi-Cal financing mechanisms ” refer to the various methods by which non-General Fund revenues and funds are captured, generated, or transferred for use in the Medi-Cal program. Below are three examples of important Medi-Cal financing mechanisms: Local Funds Provided by Public Hospitals.